contamination of the Atoll. It addresses the origins of the corftamination on a shot-by-shot basis; the types, concentrations, and l@cations of contamination prior to the cleanup; the radiological cleanup dabisions and their rationale: the cleanup processes themselves, and th resulting radiological situation, island-by-island. It is believed that this fype of data will be useful over the coming decades as living patterns off the Atoll change, new radiological surveys are taken, improved heafth physics Vu ree as For 8 years, from 1972 until 1980, the United States planned ahd carried out the radiological cleanup, rehabilitation, and resettlement offEnewetak Atoll in the Marshall Islands. This project represented the fulfillment of a long-standing moral commitment to the People of Enewetak. The cleanup itself, executed by the Department of Defense (DOD), was anfextensive effort, involving a Joint Task Force staff and numerous Army, Navy, and Air Force units and personnel. The rehabilitation and resettlemant project, carried out by the Department of the Interior concurrently with the cleanup, added complexity to the task and required tlie closest coordination — as did the important involvement of the Depgrtment of Energy (DOE), responsible for radiological characterization and certification. The combinedeffort cost about $100 million and required an on-atoll task force numbering almost 1,000 people for 3 years,J1977-1980. No radiological cleanup operation of this scope and complexitf has ever before been attempted by the United States. This documentary records, from the perspective of POD, the background, decisions, actions, and results of this major national and international effort. Every attempt has been made to recordissfes as they developed, and to show the results, good and bad. of specificjdecisions, oversights, etc. Because this documentary may have cdnsiderable importance in the future, and because specific needs for datafcannot be foreseen with accuracy, every attempt has been made to recofd in some detail all major facets of the operation and to reference key qocuments. Throughout the research, collection, and writing, four majdr types of potential users have been kept in mind. The documentaryis designed: — First, to provide a historical document which records wifh accuracy this major event in the history of Enewetak Atoll, the Marshbil Islands, the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, Micronesia, the Pafific Basin, and the United States. To serve this end, the documentary addresses political, legal, administrative, and social issues; and it attemptg to put the cleanup in perspective in terms of the prior history of Enewpetak Atoll, World War II, the nuclear testing period, and the Unitdd Nations Trusteeship. — Second, to provide a definitive record of the rbdiological ‘ . hee oe FOREWORD