Section 5


The uncertainty in calculated film badge doses for typical crewmembersis estimated
from the underlying parameters. The basic uncertainties in the topside environment include
radiation intensities from fallout deposited on deck, shine from contaminated lagoon water, and
shine from contaminated ships alongside.

Uncertainties in the conversion from topside

environmentto personnel dose include the time spent on deck, the positions of personnel (hence
their exposure) on deck, and the shielding from fallout afforded to those below. Uncertainties in
the radiation environment below dueto ship contamination are dominated by the modeled buildup
levels and rates of the radioactive material accumulated on the ship's hull and interior saltwater
systems. The average intensities therefrom in representative crew spaces and the crew's time spent
below are additional sources of uncertainty in personnel dose.
Intensity levels from fallout on deck are determined from shipboard radiological survey
data, supplemented at late times by decay rates measured on Bikini Atoll. Individual meter
readings on deck, whereavailable, are taken as accurate, their inherent error having a negligible
influence on the overall uncertainty in dose. Average on-deck intensity as a function of timeis
taken as accurate; the power law interpolation in time between surveys Closely approximates
fission product decay at the times after burst considered. Powerlaw fitting is less accurate during
fallout deposition and decontamination; however, the influence of this uncertainty is minimized

because the typical crewmember was below during these intervals. Where intensities from
neighboring islands are used in lieu of shipboard data, the corrections made to determine the
topside environment minimize the systematic error from this source. Overall, error in on-deck
intensity from fallout is usually small compared to other uncertainties. A possible uncertainty that
is unquantfiable is whether decontamination took place subsequentto the latest shipboard intensity
readings, if any. The ship logs did not always indicate decontamination activities; however, none
are presumed without evidence.
For exposures involving shine from contaminated water, the dominant uncertainty is that
in the water intensity. Both the estimation of land-equivalent radiation levels from nearby islands
and their variation over the space of the operating areas contribute to waterintensity uncertainty.
The conversion factor from water to topside intensity is good to 10 percent, based on the data of
Reference 12. Where actual waterintensities were reported, the shine therefrom is considered to
be without error. Additional uncertainties in dose from those in decay and the land-waterintensity


Select target paragraph3