The following sub-sections detail the activities of each of the eight ships of interest. The
activities are superimposed on the radiological environments due to both radioactive fallout and
contaminated lagoon water. Integrated intensities topside (from fallout and from contaminated
water and contaminated ships/boats) and below (from ship contamination) are calculated on a daily

basis for each ship through 31 May 1954.


RECLAIMERwasat Pearl Harbor during the first two CASTLEtests and was just
arriving at Kwajalein Atoll (see figure 1.1) when Shot KOON wasdetonated at 0620 hours, 7
April. RECLAIMERdeparted Kwajalein at approximately noon the same day and arrived at Bikini
at 0832 hours on 8 April (Reference 3).

Shortly after RECLAIMERarrived at Bikini, it began mine laying operations in Area
Fox (figure 2.1) to support Project 3.4. During the period 8-12 April, RECLAIMER and LST1157 laid approximately 96 mines in preparation for Shot UNION,which wasinitially scheduled
for 16 April (Reference 10). With mine laying operations completed, divers from RECLAIMER
assisted in recovering submerged instrumentation in Area Charlie (see figure 2.1) on 13 April
(Reference 3). At noon on 15 April, RECLAIMERdeparted Bikini Lagoon enrouteto its assigned
operating area for Shot UNION,approximately 25 nmisoutheastof the atoll. When Shot UNION
was postponed due to weather, RECLAIMERreentered the lagoon at approximately 1900 hours,
16 April.
During the period 17-24 April, RECLAIMERremained in the lagoon performing diving
and salvage operations as directed, while unfavorable weather resulted in repeated delays for Shot
UNION. Project 3.4 personnel became concemedthat there would not be enough time between
Shots UNION (now scheduled for 26 April) and YANKEE(5 May)to allow recovery ofthefirst
mine field and the placementof the second, planned for Shot YANKEE(Reference 10). It was
therefore decided to use all 121 mines at Shot UNION and, on 25 April, RECLAIMERand LST-

1157 planted the last 25 mines in Area Fox. At 1639 hours, 25 April, RECLAIMER got
underway for its assigned operating area approximately 50 nmi southeast of the Shot UNION
surface zero.



Shot UNION was detonated at 0605 hours, 26 April. Approximately 12 hours later
RECLAIMER reentered the lagoon and anchoredin the Nan anchorage. During the night of 26-27

Select target paragraph3