

facilities for a small number of official visitors.

It will be

necessary for the AFSWP to furnish the necessary radiological per-

sonnel however.

Although, in the absence of a permanent garrison,

security and surveillance ard logistic support for official post
SANDSTONE survey parties could be arranged by ISCOM Kwajalein,
it is understood that the AEC favors a garrison at Eniwetok.
8. Necessary standby preparations and closeout of facilities
to ready Eniwetok Atoll. for the reception of a small permanent
garrison are being performed by JIF 7 troops as they become available from other tasks and will be carried out during the rollup
with a negligible expenditure of funds.

It is planned that these

preparations will be completed without delaying to any serious
extent the departure of the bulk of JTF 7 troops for their home

The Atomic Energy Commission should be prepared to allo-

cate funds to defray the cost of any special items not normally
borne by the three services as a part of their routine operations,


It is recommended that the Joint Chiefs of Staff:

@. Note that the necessary preparations for the reception
of a small garrison force on the Eniwetok Atoll are being
accomplished by JTF 7 as part of SANDSTONE rollup.

b. Approve the transfer of over-all post SANDSTONE mili-

tary arena eeres | for the Eniwetok Atoll to CINCPAC on

or about 1 June 1948.

c. Obtain the concurrence of the AEC to the attached
proposed directive to CINCPAC (Appendix).
a. After concurrence of the AEC, issue the directive in
the Appendix to CINCPAC for implementation.

e. Make arrangements with the Atomic Energy Commission

to allocate funds as may be necessary to defray the cost
of housing the garrison and of any special items not normally
borne by the three services as a part of their routine operetions.

Pending examination of crater on ENGEBI,

a recommendation

is to be made by AEC representatives on the following points:

Select target paragraph3