
areas will present a health hazard,

proper supervision and con-

trol of the areas must be established.

The following precaution-

ary measures will be undertaken by JTF 7:

a. After each shot is fired, the used island will be

posted as a dengerous area by appropriate signs in English,
French, Spanish, Portugese, Russian, Marshallese, etc.
b. If determined necessary by sclentific surveys to be
conducted in the near future, the craters on each zero
Asland will be covered with sand or dirt in order to make
the removal of samples more difficult.
This action would
also reduce the radiological hazard.

6. Informal advice from the AEC is that it is desirable
to provide absolute insurance for an indefinite period against
unauthorized entry and the securing of information, particularly
the collection of samples on the ground, but that this would be
prohibitive in cost because of the size of the force required.
A calculated risk in this regard seems to be implicit in the decision to conduct tests outside the continental limits of the
United States.

The dangers of unauthorized agencies obtaining

technical information of value on the zero islands are:

a. Determination of blast and radiological effect by

examination of test structures on zero islands.
will obliterate or move such structures to prevent accurate

b. Collection of samples around the tower sites for

later laboratory tests.
In order for any unauthorized
agency to obtain profitable sample materials, it is estlmated that (after filling the craters with sand or dirt
if this 1s necessary) surface soil would have to be removed in quantities readily detected by general surveillance only.

7. On about 1 June 1948, when JTF 7 will have taken the
measures necessary for rollup and establishment of the permanent

the command assuming over-all post SANDSTONE military

responsibility for Eniwetok Atoll should assume control.
‘the Marshall Islands sub area is a part of his command,
control would logically revert to CINCPAC.


A small garrison de-

tachment at Eniwetok could then meet minimum requirements for

safeguarding of government property,

and maintenance cf

Select target paragraph3