Whether or not to fill up eraters by one of the
following means:

bulldozing, or
conerete capping

12, After receipt of foregoing the mission and size of permanent garrison can be determined.

The requirements in personnel

will be based on whether mission to be performed is one of security
requiring detachment on each zero island or surveillance only with
force based on Eniwetok,

with zero islands patrolled only by air

or small surface craft with each command under CINCPAC furnishing'
proportionate share of personnel and means required to accomplish.

13. Subsequent to decision being rendered, CTG 7.2 will
accomplish necessary engineering work and will submit plan to accomplish missions assigned,


security or surveillance to in-

clude T/O and E for force required.
14, a, In order to save time in getting this paper to JCS

for their approval we would propose the following procedure:
(1) As soon as scientific group here have given us
their requirements as to engineering and recommendation
as to degree of security required on zero islands to prevent alien enemy from obtaining information of value; we
will correct the draft copy and forward to CINCPAC for
his concurrence and/or incorporation of any changes he

may desire.

(2) Following CINCPACS action on the paper all correc-

tions to be furnished you and paper drawn up in final form
by you for submission to JCS planners thru P&O Division
for approval by JCS with AEC concurrence,
(3) It might be well to let the JCS planners see this
draft copy and to carry them along with us as changes
if any are received from CINCPAC.
However, you there
acting with advice of P&O planners probably know better
the correct manner of proceeding to avoid loss of time.
We leave this to your best judgement.

(4) You can well realize that early decision by JCS

with AEC concurrence on this matter is essential to avoid
delay in rollup operations.
15. General Ogden and his staff have done considerable plan-.
ning both as to the engineering necessary on zero islands to fill
craters by several means and on setting up a T/O and E for whate.<~
force remains on the Atoll.

It is too long for transmission even


Select target paragraph3