Unfortunately, helicopter operations in the Taongi aree would necessig
tate routine flights over the open ocean.

Such flights heve not been common prace

tiee in the past.
In onier to provide aaintenance facilities for helicopters, it would
most likely be necessary to have a small carrier (CVE).

‘The facilities of the

CURTISS and ESTES vere not adequate for meintenance.

Inter-atol) Transportation


During the operstional phese the wininam requirement for intere
atoll ses trensportation is ome APD oF equivalent.

This ship is necessary to

provide rotetion ef personnel and to carry perconel and official mail.

Beeause of

uncertainty in the physical condition of Seong? Lagoon and the sand islands fol«
lowing the first shot, we my not count on air 1ift at all, even in emergencies.

At leact in the pre-cperational rhage, 3 7.5 will require regular

IST service batween Privetok end Tczongt (cee Ieclosure 2).

te Ate
fie minimum requirement for inter-atoll airlift during the preoperations! phasc ia cmergency seaplane services.

It is desirable te meintain the

capability ef emergency seeplene service throughout the operational period. We
recomend very strongly that the cezplane service be “Limited” rather than “emer
gency" in order to provide fest trensportetion for key personnel of 21], elements

of the Task Force. For this purpose, we believe three SA-16 aircraft or equivae
lent are necessary end that a suitable seadrom sheuld be built.
In the event that the construction ef extensive facilities ashore
wekes construction of an airstrip necessary, we recommend that regular airlift be
provided for as loug as conditions permit.

In this connection, ve recommend fure

ther thet gic sltas be selected and shat echedules be arranged to cause the least

«~ 8 «




Select target paragraph3