physical desege to the airstrip. It would be scatvente to have equipment available

to perform reasonable repairs and decontamination.
In the une¢ficial opinion of represertatives of %G 7.4, an emergency
airstrip for test aircraft would not be necessary.

If, however, an airstrip vere

bulit at Teorgi for other purposes, it is Likely it would be equipped for emergency

use by test sircraft,


Ccsmumications between Eniwetck and Taongi would have to be at least
equivalent tc cammnications between Eniwetok and Bikini during Castle. Prior to
the operational phase, Holmes and Narver would require factlities as indicreted in

Tnelosure 2.
It would be Gesizeble, but nrobebly not technically feasible, to bave
wolea ciphony equipment betyeen Enivetok end Taeongl or Bikini and Teongi.
Cenerally speelting, we exvect operntios in the Taongi ara to resexble
YO ae

Bikini operations during Castle. The important differences result from tvo face

first, thet Zeongi is omeil, shelilov, and has no anchorage Tor ships; and

second, that Tong? de over twice as far from Enivetok.


Concerts for EPG
Having outlined & concept of operations for Taongi, we may now preceed to

the three situetions described in If.

In all taveo situations we consider the

generalized cperation of 25 shots assumed in IV.


Situstion 1


tnthis first ease Taongl has been added to the ERG and no restrictions

beyond those exieting during Redwing have been imposed on Bikini. Tho acquisition
of Taongi is ef advantage, hovever, as it permits us internally to impose a lini.

tation which will simplify cur operations et Bikini and expedite the firing of

the series.


We do not know at this ¢age whether remote instrumentation from a ship

Select target paragraph3