

‘2 bene


and that therefore, shot barges shovld be moved from the LSD by LCU. Further, it
‘is likely that an ICU with a shot barge would not be able to negotiate a passage
at Taongi except at high sleck water. As a result of these considerations, ve

eatimate the time from departure of the LSD to mouring af the barge to be no less
then three deys| ander the most favorable conditions.

On the baeis of full-time

auty for one Lap in moving shot barges, ve estimate a minimum interval of five
Gays between chota.

Rest Pool

We recommend thet all amall boats be evacuated from Taonzi during

firing beceuse of the high probability of damage end contantnation.
in acs of the opinion of 3C 7.3 with regard to operation of LOK’s in
the open see, we believe it is inadviseble te include LCx’s in the boat pool.
We would, however, include DUKY's, which could be picked up by LOU and taken to
an LSD outside the atell.

It is desirable to supplement. the DUKW's with moter

whale boats for use inside the Isgoon provided these can either traverse the

open water from the passage to the waiting ship, be toued out by LOU, or be picked
up by davite rigged on the L0U's.

One LSD will hold three LCU's in ito weil.

if the LSD which picks up the email beets is the seme ag the LSD used

for barge movemtnt, we estimate the minimm firing interval under the most fevorehble conditions to be eight Gays, since the LSB could not return to Biinetok
before ite LOU's could te put back in Taongi lagocn.

The 1fU's in this case would

have to be equipped to support a minimum crew for at least five days.
Tf an LED is assigned fuld-time duty to support the Taongl boat pool,
the LCU's nezd not be equipped to support their crews.
firing interval my be rainteined.

Furthermore, a five-day

‘Inelosure 3 contains estimated ISD schedules.

Ssientifie Personnel

Rosardless of whether instrunentation is installed ashore, it villi be
necessary to provice living and working space efloat.

We estimate the total com-

Select target paragraph3