

re _

_ shore facilities.

Apart from the inkerent interest of such & report, we intended

to mke use of guy operationel implications erising therefrom.

Mr. 8S. B. Soweli's

report and further comment by the J~6 Division, ™ 7.1, on the matter of Daongi
faciijties is attached to this study aa Inclosure 2.

From the point of view of

operations the nost impoxtent difference Setveon Mr. Howell's two plens is the
requirement for an airstrip te accomplish the ierge:.

The existence of an airstrip,

even though ite condition were reduced to thet of the Eninzsn airatrip in the late
phase of Castle, vould be of very great advantage to all elements of the Task
Force end would surely expedite operations in the Feong! area.
A further implicetion resulting from the presence cf instrament sheltera
ashove is a@ promommed need for helicopter transportetion.

This necé is minimi

and possibly noneexistent in the case of the minimum shore fecility.
Bacsé on the simtlarity beivecn shinp=based operetions at Tecngi end at
Bikini. during the Inte phuse of Ceetic, we believe the following procecures and
requiressnte may be determined:

in the light of the foresgoiag te believe the manner of firing should
be by barge, thet csvices shoulS te assembled on the barges in the existing fecil-

ity at Ferry Island. and transported ta Tuongi by LSD.

Since an LSD cannot enter

faongi leagoor, the shot barge would heve to be discharged in the lee of the atoll

The informal and wnofficiel opinion of

and moved inte wosition ty amall craft.

representatives of SG 7.2 vas thet the berge would heve to te Gischarged one
hour's xun by LOU from the Geongi passage.

They further cautioned that the un-

‘leading operation would be ricky and that suiteble een conditions were likely to
be infrequent.

‘Ther pointed ont that in the past this operation hed been carried

_ ovt in the calmest esters of Biking legoon, namcly in the lee of Biking island.
I% is slso the opinion of 7 7.5 thet Leis should not be used In the open ceean









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