ina Pisalng

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At the same tise, we :ade arrangenents for such moniter. at conolulu,

and T had two survey instruments dispatched by air for iicir use ane .okad
or. Osear Cette of tia Cucifie Cceanie Sishory iavestipations in Tonoludu
to act as consultant te dir. deorve Akay to Pood nec ura,;; representatives
en recelving information frou oa. bisenbad thal. the Japanese were conducting
a tnorourh exatinution of ineoming tuna and as -mind no sienificant con-

tamination save on the fish of the Pukuryu cant, and with the further considera-

tion that ubovt 2,000 tons of “ish had come to a state of arrest and aowroximately
200,000 cascs of vacked tuna were involved in a panic situatlou, £ rogested

“re. Elsenbud to ayvest to the Japanese thet they proceed with the pack on the

assurance that the chance of there oving contaminated “ish was negligiple and
that the American authorities do not act canpriciously. This advice vas vassed
by radio-telenhone on March 25 and by messace Yo. Leh throagh the jepartment
or State.
In conversations with the Food and Drug Adainistration involving sre Janes ie
Cribbett, Mr. Vallace Jenson, and FjA Commissionur Crawford, it was avreed

that the FDA could resvond to a specific question with a reeassuring statencnt
which could be released. it was concluded that tne anboassador could ask
this question and the reoly given to him to issue as a ~ublic statemnt,
quoting the TDA. The natter was passed to sur. Morse salisbury at this soint,
and these moves were carried through and the statement was released in Japan
by Ambassador Allison that the Food and lug Administration felt there was no
cause for anprebension.
{ also talked with tir. ud Canvron, Washinton representative of the National
Canner's Association, and suspested to him that it might be well te alvise
the svembers of the association that since tie marxet was oaralyzed «ue to
wusycholo; ieal factors and panic, to suspend their normal operatilous might
result in a spreai of panic to the consewers warket du this country.
iY. Cameron sald he reali cd tae importance of this and would informnaily so
advise thelr memvershin.e
Catch in the liarsinall -reae We have reliacle inforaition frou ir. 6. . 2apire,
Sash and hildlife Service and from ‘ir. Cscar Sette of the Paeifle Ueeanie Pishery
{avestipa: ions in Honolulu that the farshail fslancs area, partierlorly that to
the north of the jikini atoll, is »eor ishing cround for tuna, and taat,tore
than lis of the total Jancanese catch comes from this contire areas. Prior Ly Lhe
war, when this group of islands were cowoletely controlled by the Japanese,
they did very little fisning in this regione It seems to have necome ponular
with them now that the Uarshalls are veins used for veapons testinke
Currents and Gailin: Problems. Mrom the vilot charts ounlisned uy the lis fe
dydroyrapaiec Office for the Vorth Pacific, it ap-ears that during iis time
of year there is a current throyth the Uarshall ft londs area that pcnerally

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