Tuna Fishing

yoes westward at avout 15 to 13 nautical mites oer dase
On aporoachiny, tne
Philippines this current sweeps nortnward and moct of Lt onlern tie renin

to the east of Pormosa,

lowever, these currents are not well defined during

thie season of the year and on approaching Jaoan are confused and varlaole.

Ooutn of Uhe Marshalis, tuere is a counter crrrent setting to tne eust ee
snifts with the Se—— wit may reach a velootbiy of LS miles per daye This
current never seems to cot as far north as ft). Nor tern islands of

th: Varshalise

Access to the southern tuna fishing areas in the resion of the Colomons, Canosa

and Gilbert islantis would not scem to be appreciably interfercd with oy the

present danger area save in the case of the silvert Islands.

Contamination of fish. Tuna fish have been caucirt in tie northern viarshalls
followin; the firct cetmation but results are not yet availavle. Mish
after the MIKE shot of IVY 2-1/2 to 3-1/2 miles fron the crater 0 days after
tne shot gave the Vvolloving resuits:


Activity in woole fish (averages)
0b ye/eran
Activity in Tismres = (ut Vel: hts)
(a) Buascle oPeesgram wet tissue
(re = stlerovari«)

Liver «+ 1 per ran

- 34 pelpra

From considertions of current, the depth of maxing of surface water, the
rate of decay of Sission products and tue decree to wich Pish in contan na tea
water tend to ausorb fission products, it reached the conelision that the
probavllity of sionkitcant contamination of fish mitsive Lhe innedate test
area is inconsseqnentl:ab and that dn abl Likelileod we vihi ve unable to
detect these waters more than a few hundred mides awa from the sarshal).
(Islands. the attemnt, of course, Klil ve cre tn mensure Lils conbam nn « one




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