Tuna Dishing

The Japanese fishing ship, the Fukuryu j.aru - une inappropriately named
Wortunate jragon’ - had a few tons of Fish in the well at the time of tie
first detonation of tae ull gh. seriese Tne silo, accordivig to her Japanese
master, was at Latitude 11° 53’ Nerth and lonpitade 166° 50' Last, about
30 miles from the detonation, The «ross fallout - which was chiefly partially
nydrated calcium oxide in ali »robability, vith a relatively small anount of
aixed fission oroducts - contacinated the fisi externally, omit “he fact of
this contanination wags net acmrectated until after the sirip had docked at
Yaieu and the catch had been iclivered to market.
(na guxvorisinedy short
time the fish were scattered in various municloal marsxets all the way to

Csakae The Japanese vigorousiy pursued the recovery of Doce Tigh as soon
as the contunination was realized, and 2 believe that all, or very nearly
ali, of the fish of this cargo were recovered anu dastroyed. Yue damoact af
tae press announcements was profound in Japan, and there was widespread
apprehension that a Llarce portion of tne entire tuna caten mip hh be heawily

contaminated und doadis ta persons comine tnbe contact with the fiche

portions of the JapancGce oress save Som: baSLS Lor buese Veaurse


fo sent hr. Serrid cisenbid of trie vealta an. aiels
avon bore Cow York
Merations OLDhee, to rokyva on Murch 19 to assiet dn tic coileectian of
specimens for radlocucnical aiwlysis with paiicuaar rosubenes to vac onopdan
of the Japanese fisherouen. cduovas instructed also to leok into the sitter
of the monitoring of tung iis. vroupat inate Jada, Wat espeelil referunce
for thosa destired for oxiort., On March 22 ] talkud with Ur. James 4.
triooett of the cook eet oye awlaistewtiog conecvala caet cvaadbors a, of
tune Pian comin Cate tee intited obates, ana oljered the supovort of Uhas

office and the Jealth and .areby LAvoLabory dep uth a oro ura, bo wi ilever

desree mipht be vwacerrary with resocet ta pot sersoqnel and Cgaipecut.
Tnhey nave been nursudce tenor bering abate os Sae gorts al cable a9
the “ost Cnacte



Canned Tuna (1952)

Japan exported bo ie. ee

Japan exported to other


960,15. cases (inl 7 Obe CHS Der cage)
123,950 cases

L,OGk OU cases

Select target paragraph3