Tuna bishing

sefore the initiation of the CASTLL series, an especialiy in connection
with any deep underwater ‘est that might vue considered, it seemed to us
hat the impact of such operations on tuna Fishin: would ve @ serious ute.
Consequently, some months back | assipned teis

orobben ag a magyar conver

to ur. (Millis 2. Joss of the jislogy wancu of this oiviston.
Ur. oss
visited sniwetok, aecelorate! tne construction anc oquipienh of hac
laboratory there, conferred wita fishertes resenren ccoole in Clonapila,
augmented the Leved of our cupoort 4there, dig esvicvea whta varho us aves

and fisneries prowos on the
marketin, in sencral.


«st Coast the creelens ov tina Paoudeys and

Tne tuna le a ‘gu that ranges wigely in trovicail aa. Lewerable varus os
the "acific Ocean and is an important economic asset especially to Japan and
the United states,
nebuiing tie Territory of ms: 4. VLA OPCOCL GG are

recojniazed, aul twrea arc some differences betucen taose of Lhe western
waters and those of tne vovitera “neidfic.

Ta Le.) spo anwta juve Sunt,

nowever, that tniivicurl “Ash may travel preit Cistaaces over a neriod of a

few WeekSe
Vona tap os off UAblYornia nave. own Gadi bo as far away as bie
waters of Janan.
Vhe caten eomia: into bne sites
tatoo Le ji cart Pra
american Pignoracn ooercudy oonbbe Ua eaote
bol 2 ul) tadh i eathy thi aire
Japanese sources


from Janan cither

ac frown

3h" or

tn canse”

Pisheries based in Ciwaii sre in genera. dneuey oe bo ce tb tne Local Guaand

both for imnediate consemetioan and fer packie: Yor sitiraeah lo tue inited
obates, aud aA Considerulie auouwr of Mhou vpo. dupanese Loulses is deliversa
to the Tslands. Fiyures on the tuna catch for the years 13) and 1951, tx
area anil country, are shawn in the attached unde.


Tae region of tac parghalil fshanaus do not ver. oreuuective of tana fisn, and
only Japanese vishermen bother to visit these :aters. jrier to UVorld jar 1)
there was no fishing J ausy comseyuence oy Lie vooanuce, although they
themselves held these islands. Generally, fishin: alonr the northern
larshalls is engaged in uy sbios poing to or orem tie wre productive area:
to the south.

* Frozen Tuna (1952)

roe, ob
Japan exported to UseSelie
Jagan wported to Canada

mew py
L5, 302,000 pounds of frozen tana
5,736,000 pounds of frozen tans
51,036,090 -mminds of frocen tuns

1 ve import 69 million pounds (1952)

Select target paragraph3