
Acror Ocrozer 15, 1977

(91 Stat. 1160)

such date, was a resident on Utiril Atoll.

(3) Where circumstances warrant, as he shall determine, the.
Seeretary shall pay an amount notin excess of $25,000 as he determines to be an appropriate compassionate compensation to each
such individual who has suffered any physical injury or harm
from a radiation-related cause [but whois not an individual described in paragraph (1).3 , even if such an individual has been
compensated under paragraph (1) of this section,
Acr or Atcusr 18, 1978



Law 95-348)





Src. 5. (a) The Sceretary, acting through the Director of the Na‘tional Park Service, is authorized and directed to develop, maintain,
and adininister the existing American Memorial Park (hereimafter in
this section referred to as the “park”), located at Tanapag Harbor
Reservation, Saipan. The park shall be administered for the primary
purpose of honoring the dead in the World War IT Mariana Islands
(b) The Scerctaryis authorized and directed to the maximum extent
feasible to employ and train residents of the Mariana Islands to develop, maintain, and administerthe park.
(c) Other points in the Northern Mariana Islands relevant to the
park may be identified, established, and marked by the Secretary in
agreement with the Governorof the Northern Marianas,
(ad) The Seeretary shall provide for nterpretative activities at the
park, for which he 1s authorized to seek the assistance of appropriate
historians to interpret the historical aspeets of the park. Ta the great-

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be appropriated such amounts as may be necessary to carry out the

provisions of this section and the Seerctary of the Interior (hereafter
in this section referred to as the “Seeretary”) is authorized and dtrected to make the payinents as hereafter provided in this paragraph
to indviduals, or to their heirs or levatees, as the case may be, who
were on March 1, 1954, residents on Rongelap Atoll or Utirik Atoll
in the Marshall Islands:
(1) The Secretary shall pay $25,000 to each such individual
from whom the thyroid gland or a neurofibroma in the neck was
surgically removed, or who has developed hypothyriodism, or
who develops a raditation-related malignancy, such as leukemia.
_ (2) The Secretary shall pay $1,000 to each individual who, on


Sec. 104. (a) In addition to appropriations authorized to compensate inhabitants of Rongclap Atoll and Utirik Atoll in the Trust.
Territory of the Pacific Islands for radiation exposure sustained by
them as a result of a thermonuclear detonation at Bikini Atoll in the
Marshall Istands on March 1, 1954, pursuant to the Act of August 22,
1964 (78 Stat. 598), etfectve October 1, 1977, there are authorized io

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