research and monitoring for any injury, iilness, or condition which
may be the result directly or indirectly of such nuclear weapons testing program. The program shall be implemented according to a plan
developed by the Secretary in consultation with the Secretaries of
Defense, Energy and Health, Education, and Welfare and with the
dircceé involvement of representatives from the people of each of the
affected atolls and from the government of the Marshall [slands. The
plan shall set forth, as appropriate to the situation, condition, and
necds of the individual atoll peoples:

(1) an integrated, comprehensive health care program includ-

ing primary, secondary, and. tertiary care with special emphasis
uponthe biological effects of ionizing radiation;

(2) aschedule for the periodic comprehensive survey and anal-

ysis of the radiological status of the atolls to and at appropriate
entervals, but not less frequently than once every five years, the
development of an updated radiation dose assessment, together
with an estimate of the risks assoviated with the predicted human
exposure, for cach such. atoll, and
3) aneducation and information program. to enable the people
of such atolls to more fully understand nuclear radiation and its
(b) (1) Lhe Secretary shall submit the plan to the Congress no
luter than January 1, 1981 together with his recommendations, tf any,
for further legislation. The plan shall set forth the specifie agencies
responsible for implementing the various elements of the plan. With
respect to general health care the Secretary shalt consider, and shalt

tnelude in. his recommendations, the feasibility of using the Public

Health Service. After consultation with the Chairman of the National
Academy of Sciences, the Secretary of Energy, the Secretaryof Defense, and the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, the See-

retury shall establish a scientific advisory committee te review and

evaluate the implementation of the plan ond to make such recommendations for its inuyprovement as such. committee deems advisable.
(2) Aé the request of the Seeretary, any Federal agency shall provide such information, personnel, facilities, logistical support, or other
assistance as the Secretary deems necessary to carry out the funetions
Oof this program, the costs of all such assistance shall be reimbursed to
the provider thereof out of the sums appropriated pursuant to this

(3) All costs associated with the development and implementation

of the plan shail be assumed by the Secretary of Energy and there are
authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary of Energy such sums
as muty be necessary to achieve the purposes of this section.
(c) The Secretary shall report to the appropriate comanittees of the
Congress, and to the people of the affected atolls annually, or mare

frequently if neecssary, on the implementationof the plan. Hach such

report shall inchule a description. of the health status of the individuals exoenined aud treated under the plan, an evaluation by the
stlentific advisory committee, and any recommendations for improvement of the plan. The first such report shall be submitted not later
thun January 1, L982.



Select target paragraph3