est extent possible, interpretative activities shall be conducted in the

following four languages: English, Chamorro, Carolinian, and

(e) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, no fee

or charge maybe imposed for entrance or admission inte the American

Memorial Park,
(f) The Secretary shall transfer administration of the park to the
governinent of the Northern Mariana Islands at such time as the

Governor, acting pursuant to legislation enacted in accordance with

sections 5 and 7 or article II of the Constitution eon the Northern
Muriana Islands, requests such 2 transfer. All improvements, including
real and personal property, shall thereupon be transferred without
cost to the government of the Northern Mariana Islands and thereafter
the full cost of development, administration, and maintenance for the
park shall be borne by the government of the Northern Mariana Is-

lands, except as provided in subsection (g) of this section.

(g) For the development, maintenance, and operation of the park

(but not for any acquisition of land or interests im lands),there is

hereby authorized to be appropriated [not to exceed $3,000,000] such

000 for develop- ©
sums as may be necessary, but not to exceed $5,000

pursuant to this
ment effective October 1, 1978. Amounts appropriated
subsection shal} remain available until expended..
(h) Nothing containedin this Act is intended to alter or diminish
the authority to exercise the five year option contained marticle VIII
of Public Law 94-241.







Guam Oreanic Acr
(48 U.S.C. 1421)
Sxc. 11. The legislative power of Guam shall extend to all subjects
of legislation of local application not inconsistent with the provisions
of this Act and the laws of the United States applicable to Guam.
‘Taxes and assessments on property, internal revenues, sales, license
fees, and royalties for franchises, privileges and concessions may be
imposed for purposes of the government of Guam as maybe uniformly
provided by the Legislature of Guam, and when necessary to anticipate
taxes and revenues, bonds and other obligations may be issued by the
government of Guam: Provided, however, That no public indebtedness
of Guamshall be authorized allowed in excess of 10 per centumof the
ayveregate tax valuation of the property in Guam. Bonds or other
obligations of the governinent of Guam payable solely from revenucs
derived from any public improvement or undertaking shall not be
considered public indebtedness of Guam within the mezning of this
section, All bondsissued by the government of Guam orbyits authority
shall be exempt, as to principal and interest, from taxation by the
Governmentof the United States or by the government of Guam, or

by any State or Territory or anypolitical subdivision thereof, or by
the District of Columbia. The Secretary of the Intertor (hereafter
in this section referred to as ‘Secretary’) is authorized to guarantee
for purchase by the Federal Financing Bank bonds or other obligations
of the Guatn Power Authority maturing on or before December31,
1078, which shall be issned in orderto refinanee short-term notes duc
or existing on June 1, 1976 and other indebtedness not evidenced by

Select target paragraph3