litical fraymentation of the Trust Territory, such fragmentation is all

but inevitable absent a basic and dependable communications system.
Theve is no guarantee thet such a system will in fact prevent furiher
fragmentation, but its absence will make political federation exceed-

ingly difficult.


The Ponape hydroelectric authorization is based on a staff investigation conducted last year on Ponape. Thestaff report concluded that

of all potential sites visited, only the site on the Nanepil River war-

ranted further investigation..The site had been used by the Japanese

during the Mandate to supply the town of Kolonia. The staff report

concluded that in investment of $12 million could produce a facility

eenerating over four million Kilowatt hours annually.
Ponapeas well as all otherdistricts, is totally dependent
oil, the costs of which are consuming an ever increasing
Jocal operations budget.
Sec. 109. This section clarifies section 10+(a}(4) of

At present,
on imported
shareof the
Public Law

95-134 whichrequired the Secretary of the Interior to provide medical
care and treatment for the population exposed to the fallout from
the March 1, 1954 “Bravo” thermonuclear test at Bikini by adding a
more detailed provision describing a program of environmental monitoring and healthcare,

Due to uncertainty raised by the Budget Committce over whether


this section authorized a new program (despite the 25 years of health
care treatment and environmental monitoring underexisting authorizations) the Committee made the authorization in the newsection 106
(b)(3) effective October 1, 1980. The Committee did not delete the
existing mandate and authorization of section 104(a) (4). The Committee expects the Secretary to immediately begin the developmentof
the comprehensive health care and environmental monitoring plan as
provided in this section using existing authorities.
Although only a few hundred people are affeeted, the situation at
the individual atolls differ considerably ; andit is important that a plan
be developed which recognizes the different situations. For example,
the people at Rongelap were exposed direetly to excessive levels of radiation and are developing a series of radiation related diseases, The
people of Bikini on the other hand have a patential problem from

notes a ree
pg. RA FP eee
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has noted the three specitic items only to emphasize their importance.
The United States has been committed to the completion of a basic
infrastructure in the Trust Territory sufficient to enable the Micronesian states to provide basic services and develop local economics.
The uncertain and undefined nature of a basic infrastructure together
with complaints about and diseconomics in the management of the
public works program led to a comprehensive investigation and oversicht by this Committee in 1974-75. As a result of that investigation,
the Departmentof the Interior, together with the Navy officer in charge
of construction, prepared a. systematic development program. The
program has not, however, been fully inplemented, although this Committee aud the Congress have approved full funding. Delays and
deferrals of individual projects have increased costs and in some instances restricted the scope of the projects themselves. As a result, the
Committee feels compelled to note that completion of the capital im-.
provement program is specifically authorized. - ee
- Although the United States has endeavored to prevent further po-

ae sees s Le
ag ~~ ae ee
bedi thn aad Fe ep emieee

the Bikini people will require additional expenditures, The Committee

Select target paragraph3