
exposure during their stay on Bikini prior to their emergencyevacuation Jast year. The people of Enewrtak on the other hand will not
return to Enewetak until next year, and although health care itself is
not necessary at this time, extensive radiological monitoring is essential to prevent a reoccurrence of the Bikini situation. Accordingly, the
provision as passed by the House was redrafted to require the Seeretary of the Interior to develop a comprehensive plan which will recognize the different needs of the individual atolls and which assigns
appropriate responsibility for environmental monitoring and research
and health care between the Department of Imnergy, Department of
Defense, and Department of HIEW. As with the previous legislation,
the amendment provides for the Department of Energy to assume all
costs associuted with this program since the program is itself a result
of the nuclear testing programandits costs should be reflected in the
agency budget for that agency which was ultimately responsible for
the testing program. The provision also specifically notes the possibility of use of the Public Health Service as a way to provide general
health care for the atfected populations.
All such costs, consistent with section 104(a) (4) and the new section
106 are to be borne by the Department of Energy. Only to the extent
that section 106 authorizes anything which the Seeretary can not al‘rendy do pursuant to section 10-4(a)(4) or other authorization, including the general authorities and responsibilities for the civil
governance of the Trust Territory, is the delay on authorizations in
section 106(b) (8) to be a limitation. It is noé the intent of the Committce to delay any requirement of section 106 as it is the view of the
Committee that all provisions are already authorized, althoughperhaps not mandated.
Sec. J03. This section adopts an Administration proposed amendment which would provide additional compensation for a limited
number of nuclear fallout victims. The Departmental report provided
the following justification:
“Section 104 of Public Law 95-184, paragraph a(1), provided for
the compensation to the inhabitants of Rongelap Atoll and Utirik
Atoll for removal of the thyroid glandor a neurofibroma in the neck
or the development of hypothyroidisin or « radiution-related malignancy that may have arisen due to radiation exposure sustained as a
result of a thermonuclear detonation at Bikini Atoll in the Marshall
Islands on March 1, 195-4. At the time Public Law95-134 (TLR. 6550)
was being considered, all concerned with the problem of the fallout
victims beheved that section 104 of H.R. 6550 covered all potential
cases for compensation.
“Recently, however, several cases which warrant additional compensation have been called to our attention. These cases involve individuals who have already received compensation undersection 104 (2)
(1) of Pubhe Law95-134. In the opinion of the Administration, these

individuals should receive additional compensation. ITowever, this Department’s Solieitor has determined that one of the individuals is not
entitled to receive additional pryments under section 104(a) (3) of
Public Law 95-134, since she received compensation under section

LOE(a) (1).


“Pwo of these individuals were compensated under section 104
(a) (1) for one condition and later developed another condition listed
In section 10-4(a) (1). Lhe third individual of whom we are aware had

Fe enceseaal


Select target paragraph3