


and judicial functions; authorizations for civil governance, including
pubhec works, education, transportation, medical care, internal revenue
and custom collections; and any other matter not prohibited by the |
Lhe major insular areas over which the Committee has jurisdiction
include American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and
the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (which includes the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands until termination of the

Trusteeship Agreement).

Description: The Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands is comprised
of the Micronesian island group of the Marshalls, Caroline, and Marianus (except for Guam, which is an unincorporated territory of the
United States). The far western boundaryof the area is only 500 miles
from the Philippines and Ilawaii is some 1,800 nautical miles from
the eastern border. The 2,100 islands of the Trust Verritory cover an
ocean area approxituatly the size of the continentul United States with
at land area of 516 square miles. Only about 100 of the islands are
inhabited witha population of 152,550.

The Trust ‘Territory 1s administered by the United States pursuant

toa trusteeship agreement with the United Nations dated July 18, 1947.
Section Analysis And Discussion Of Amendments
Sec. 101. This section provices an open end authorization forthe civil
governance of the Trust Territory forfiscal years 1983 and beyond.
Historically the Committee has provided specific funding levels for
the Trust Territory as an indication to the Appropriations Committees of what we consider to be appropriate levels of funding andalso
as an aid to the Micronesiats in obtaining full funding for both operations and capital improvement programs. The Administration, over
the last several years, has resisted full funding, especially of major
capital projects and has opposed specific authorization ceilings.
Tho committee has departed from that traditional approach due to
the anticipated termination of the Trusteeship by 1981. Subsequent to
termination, funcing levels will be governed bythe appropriate agreements with Palau, the Federated States of Micronesia, and the Marshall Islands Government as those agreements are approved by this
Committee and the Congress. Open-end, open-year authorization was
supported by the witnesses from the trust territory and the Adminis-

tration as well as the House. In light of the Administration’s constant

deferral of necessary components of the capital improvement program
and unwillingness to consider any new projects, however benchceial,
the Committee has specifically noted that this authorization includes
funds for completion of the capital unprovement program, a basic
communications system, and for a feasibibty study and construction
of a hydroelectric facility on Ponape. The Committee wishes to emphasize that the specific inclusion of these three items is not In any Manuer
a limitation on the purposes for which appropriations may be made.
There are certain necessary expenditures which will occur as a result
of transition .and the transfer of operations from the Trust Territory
headquarters to the individual states, including capital facilities. In
addition, the possible resettlement of uijebe island in the Enewetak
Atoll could require additional sums, and most. certainly relocation of


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