(2) a periodic comprehensive survey and
analysis of the radiological status of the

the Interior pursuant to this section without
the prior approyal of the Secretary of Health,

inserting in Ileu thereof “Except 2s provided

and Aitnginae, employing the most current
sclentlic and technical methods available,

Sec. 203. (a) The Secretary of the Treasury
shall administer and enforce the provisions

Stat. 302), to provide for the rehabilitation
of Guam, and for other purposes, is hereby

atolls of Bikink, Enewetak, Rongelap, Utirtk,

with emphasis upon radionuclide pathways
to man and economic development of the

“(3) at appropriate intervals, but not less

frequently than once every five years, the
development of an updated radiation dose
Asscsoment, together with an estimate of







human exposure, for each such atoll;

“(4) an education and information pro-

gram to enable the psople of such atolls
to more fully undersiand nuclear radiation
and its effects, to the end that unrealistic
fears will be minimised and measures to
discover, treat, or reduce human exposure

to radiation at such atols will be maximally

“(bY (1) In the development and implementation of the program provided by this
section, the Secrelary shill consult and coordinate with the High Commissioner of
the Trust Terrltory of the Pacific Islands,
the President of the Marshall Islands, the
Secretary of the Department of Energy, the
Secretary of Defense: ond. fn consultation
with tha National Academy of Sclences,
shull establish a sclentide advisory committee which shatl review sud craluate the
coadust of su
provram and make such
Tecammncncations ravardiny its
ment as they deem ndvisable,
"(2) At the requost of the Secretary, an
Federal ageney stail.provide such information, personnel, facilities, locistical suppart,
or other assistance ng the Secretary deems
necessary to carry out the functions of this
program; the costs of all such assistance



Education, and Welfare.


of sections 601 and 603 of the Covenant To
Establish a Commonwealth of the Northern
Mariana Islands in Political Union with the
United States of America (Public Law 94-241;

90 Stat. 263, 269), withous cost to the gov-

ernment of the Northern Marlana Islands.
The administration aud enfrocement of section 603 shall begin on January 1, 1980, and
tho administration and enforcement of section 601 shall begin on Januray 1, 1982.
(b) Section 3(d) of the Act entitied “An
Act to authorize appropriations for certain
insular areas of the United States, and for
other purposes” (Public Law 95-348; 92 Stat.

487) Is amended by striking out "601, 603,
or 604" and Inserting in Neu thereof “604".
(c) The Secretary of the Treasury shall

take such steps as are necessary to ensure
that the proceeds of the local territorial income 12x arr covered into the treasury of the

Northern lMarlana Islands forthwith.
(d) The Secretary of the Treasury shall
hire and train residents of the Northern
Mariana Jslands to carry out the adminis-«

tration and enforcement dutles required of

him under subsections




Sec, 204. Notwithstanding the provisions

of section 1003 of the Covenant To Establish
a Commonweuth of the Northern Martfana
In Politic.l Umlon with the United

States cf Amorctoa, epproved March 2%, 1976

(90 Stat 263), the provisions of section 601

of such Coverant shall not take effect until

January 1, 1962.
Src, 205. Subsection (gz) of section 5 of the

Act entitied “An Act to authorize appropriations for certain insular areas af the United

out of the sums appropriated hy this section.
“(3) ‘There are authorized to be appro-

States, and for other purposes”, approved
August 18, 1978 (92 Stat. 492), fs amended
by changing “not to exceed $3,000,000" to
“such sums as may be necessary, but not to
exceed $3,000,000 for development,”.

ment, and operate the program authorized


Shall be reimbursed to the provider thereof


H 2753


pristed te the ascrehany of the Interior such
sums 8S may be necassat
and directed to be privided by this section.

“(c) The Secretary chall report to the ap-

Sec. 301. (a) Section 30 of the Guam Organic Act (48 U.S.C, 1421h) Is amended—

the people of the ateiis of Blitul, Enewetak,
Rongelap, end Utirik, enaually, or more frequently if necessary, on the activities of the
program provided by this section. Each such
report shall include e@ description of the

(2) by Inserting at the end thereof the
following new subsection:
“(b)(1) The Secretary of the Treasury
shall administer and enforce the collection

propriate committees of the Congress, and to

health status of the individuals examined
and treated under the program, an evalua-

tion of the program by the scientific advisory
committee, and any recommendations for
improvement of the conditton of such individuais. The first such report shalt be sub-.
mitted not Inter than one yeur after this sec-

tion bacomes law.”,

Sec. 104. Except tn enses in which the Federal program is terminated with respect to
all rectulents under the program, Federal
pregrams shall not ceass ta npply to
Trust Verritory of the Pactite fslands, elther
“before cr after the termination of the trustceSnip, without the express approval of


Ske. 201. The salary and expenses cf
government comptroeiler for the
Mariana Islands sna te Pald fro:n
fuads authorized to be appropristed to
thxe Depart-.
ment of the Intertor.
Sec. 202. There are hereby autho
rize to be
appropriated to the Secretary
of the Intertor
$24,400,090 plus or minus such
Any, aS may be Justtred by reason
of ordtnary muctuations in construction
casts from
October 1979 price jevels as
Indicated by en@inecring cost indexes applicable
to the types
of construction tnvelved, for
a grant to the
Commenwealth of the North
ern Marinana
Islands to provide for health
care services.

No grant may be made by the
Secretury of


by inserting “(a)” after “Sec, 30.":

of all customs duties derlved from Guam

and the Guam territorial income tax, without
cost to the government of Guam. Such administration and enforcement shal! begin on
January 1, 1980.
““(2) The Secretary of the Treasury shall,
upon the request of the Governor of Guam
administer and enforce the collection of any
tax the proceeds of which are covered into
the treasury of Guam uncer this section

(other than customs duties and the Guam
territorial income tax to which paragraph

tu section 30(b) of this Act, the’.
Sec. 302. The Act of November 4, 1963 (77

amended as follows:
(1) in the first sentence of section 3, delete
the comma after “United States” and delete
the words “with interest as set forth below,”
(2) after paragraph (c) of section 3, delete
the last paragraph before section 4 and insert
dn lieu thereof:
“All amounts heretofore withheld from
sums collected pursuant to section 20 of the
said Organic Act as Intcrest on the amounts
made available to the government of Guam

pursuant to this Act shall be credited as
reimbursement payments by Guam on the

principal amount advanced by the United
States under this Act.”.

Sec. 303. Section 11 of the Organic Act of

Guam (64 Stat. 387; 48 U.S.C. 142Ua), as

amended, is hereby amended by deleting tka
three sentences which begin with “The Sec-

retary, with the concurrence of the Secretary of the Treasury,” and end with the words
“Section 30 of this Act (49 U.S.C. 1421h).",

and substituting therefor the following language; “The Secretary, upon finding that the
Guam Power Authority $s unable to refinance
the above-mentioned indeliedness by December 31, 1980, shall extend the guarantee
provision of this section wnth Deceinber 91,

2010, Such guaranteed banda or ather obli-

gations shall, while outstanding, include a
provision Zor seminunual payrnents of Interest only until December ot, 1249, and there.
after include a provision for quarterly payments of principal, If the Secretary deter-

mines, before December 31, 1980, that the

Guam Power Authority will not mest its ob-

ligation to pay interest, the Secretary shall
request the Secretary of the Treasury to da-

duct such payments from the sum collected
and paid to the government of Guam pur-

suant to section 30 of thts Act (48 U.S.C.
1421n). Should the gunrantees be extended
beyond December 1, 1960, (1) the Secretary

of the Treasury shall automatically deduct
(and pay to the Federal Financing Bank)
buch payment of principal from sums callected and paid ta the government of Guam

pursuant to section 30 of this Act, and (2)

Guam Power Authority payments of prin-

cipal and interest shall be paid ta the government of Guam.”.
Sec. 401. Subsection


of section 2 of

the Act entitled “An Act to authorize the
government of the Virgin Islands to Issuo
bonds In anticipation of revenue recelpts
and to authorize the guarantee of such bonds

by the United States under specified condil-

tions, and for other purposes" (90 Stat. 1193;
Public Law 94-392) Is amended by striking
out “1979" and inserting in lleu thereor


(1) applies), and any tax Imposed by local
law, without cost to the government of
Guam. The administration and enforcement
of any such tax shall continue until such

Sec. 402. Section 23 of the Revised Organic
Act of the Virgin Islands (49 U.S.C, 1042 et

suant to legistation enacted by the legisia-

shall administer and enforce the collection
of all customs duties derived from the Virgin
Islands and the United States income tax tha
procectis of which are covered into the treasury of the Virgin Islands under this sectlou,
without cost to the government of the Virgin

time as the Governor of Guam, acting purture of Guam. requests the Secretary to
discontinue the administration and enforcement of such tax,

“(3) The Secretary of the Treasury shall

hire and traln resideuts of Guam to carry

seq.) is amended by adding ut the end thereof the following new subsection:


The Secretary of tha Treasury

the administration and enforcement
Islands. Such administrntion and euforceduties required of him under pagararphs (1) _ Ment shall begin on January 1, 1980.
and (2).".

(bd) Section 31(c) of the Guam Organic

Act (48 U.S.C. 14211(e)) 13 amended by strik-

ing out “The” and Inserting tn Meu thereof
“Except as provided In section 30(b) of this
Act, the”.

(c) The first sentence of section 31(d} (2)

of the Guam Organic Act (48 U.S.C. 14211(a)

(2)) is amended by striking out “The” and

"(2) The Secretary of the Treasury shall,
upon the request of the Governor of tha

Virgin Islands, administer and enforce the

coliection of any tax the proceeds of which
gre covered into the treasury of the Virgin
Islands under this sectlon (other than cus-

toms duties and the Untted States incoma
tax to which paragraph (1) appllest, without

cost to the government of the Virgin Islands.


May 7, 1979

Select target paragraph3