H 275-4

The administration and enforcement of any
scuh tax shall continue until such time as
the Governor of the Virgin Islands, acting
pursuant to legtsiation enacted by the legislnture of the Virgin Islands, requests the
Sexretary to discontinue the administration
and enforcement of such tax.
“(3) The Secretary of the Treasury shall
take such steps as are necessary to ensure
that the proceeds of the United States income tax in force in the Virgin Islands covered into the treasury of the Virgin Islands


(4) The Secretary of the Treasury shall
hire and train residents of the Virgin Islands
to carry out the administration and enforcement duties required of him under paragraphs (1) and (2).".
Sze, 403. Subsection (b) of section 31 of
the Revised Organic Aczv of the Virgin Islands
{48 U.S.C. 16495(b}) as amended, 1s further
amended by numbering the existing para-

graph "(1)" and by the addition thereto of

the following new paragraph:
“(2) Subject to valid existing rights, tithe
ta all property in the Virgin Islands which
mayhave been acqulred by the United States
from Denmark under the Convention entered

into August 16, 1916, not reserved or retained

by the United Sintes in accordance with the

provisions of Public Law 93-135 (88 Stat.

1210) and parcels 2 and 22 (Estate Upper
Bathiehem, Saint Croix, United States Virgla
Islands) and parcels 2A and 23 (Predensborg
and Upper Brthlenem, Saint Croix, United
tates Virgin Tslands) and parcel 24 (Estate
BocySlob and@ Upper Betulenem, Saint Croix,
United States Virgin Tslands) are hereby
transferred to the Virgin Islands government.”.

Sec. 404. No extension. renewal, or renego~

tiation of the lense of renl property on Water
Island in the Virgin Tslands to which the

United States is a partv shall be made bee
fore 1992 without the exoress approval of
the Committee on Interior and Tnsular Affairs of the House of Representatives and

the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources Of the Senate.

Sce. 405. (a) Subsection 28fa) of the Reved Organic Act of the Virgin Tstands, as
amended bv section 4(c)/3) of the Act of

Aucust 13,1978 (92 Stat. 487.491) is amended

by thserting after the phrase “and naturaliza-

tion. fees collecred in the Virein Tslands.” the

with respect to the Department ef the Intenor by substituting “shall” for “may” in
the second place jt appears In subsection (a)
and in the last eentence of subsection (d).
Sec. 602. (a) Any ammount authorized to be
appropriated for a fiscal. year by this Act or
an amendment made by this Act but not appropriated for auch fiscal year is authorized
to be appropriated in succeeding fiscal years.
(db) Any amount appropriated pursuant ta
this Act or an amendment mace bythis Act
for 4 Sscal year but not expended during
such fiscal year shall remain available for
expenditure in succeeding Ascal years.
Sec. 603. To the extent practicable, services, facilities, and equipment cf agencies
and Iinstrumentaulties of the United States
Government may be made availubte, on a
reimburspble basis, to the governments of
the terrliorles and possessions of the United
States and the Trust Territory of the Pacific
Islands. Reimbursements may be credited to
the appropriation or fund of the agency or
instrumentality through which the services,
facilities, and equipment are provided. If
otherwise authorized by law, cuch serrices,
facilities, and equipment mry de imare avallable without reimbursement.
Sec. G04. Authorizations of moneys te be
apvroprintecd under this Act shall be eifecthye on October 1, 1979,
' Sec. 603. Any new borrowing authority provided In this Act or authority to mute pay
ments under this Act shall be eZective cnly
to the extent omin such amounts as are pravided in advance in appropriation Acts.

The SPEAKER. pro temnere. Is a second demanded?
Mr, LAGOMARSINO. Mr. Sreuker, I

demand a second.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without
@bjection, a second will be considered as
There was no abisction.






gentleman from Californian (Mr. PurtLip Burton) will be recognized for 20
minutes, and the gentleman from California (Mr. Lacomars:no) will be recoz-nized for 29 minutes.
The Chair recognizes the gentleman
from California (Mr. Pyittip Gurron).

phrase “less the cost of collecting, except
Mr. PHILLIP BURTON. Mr. Speaker,
anv costs for preciearance operations which
Task unanimeus consent that al! Memshall not he deducted. of all of said duties.
taxes, and fees from ‘August 18, 1978, until ~ bers may have the balance of this legisJanuary 3, 1982,"".
lative day in which to revise and extend


Section 4(c4(2)

of the Act of Au-

gust 18. 1978. is amended by inserting the
phrase “less the cost of collecting all of said
duties, taves, and fees. oceurriie before Jan-

vary 1, 1982." after the nhrase “the amount
of duties. taxes, and fees".

Sec. 501. The salary and expenses of the
government comptroller for American Samoa
shal be paid from funds to be appropriated
to the Ceuartment. of the Tnterior.
Sree, 502. The Secretary of the Tressury
shall, uvo0on the recuest of the Governor of
American Samoa, administer and enferce the
colection of all customs duties derived from
American Samoa, without cost to the government of American Samoa. The Secretary of
the Treasury. in consultation with the Governor of American Samoa. shail mare every
effort to eraplov and train the residents of
American S omovr to carry out the vrovitions
of this section. The administration and enforcement of this section shall commence
January 1, 1980.
Src. 601, Title V of the Act entitted “An
Act to authorize certain appropriations for
the territories of the United States. to amend
certain Acts relating thereto, and for other

purpores” (9) Stat. 1190) shall be applied

their remarks on the bill uncer consideration.
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there

objection to. the request of the gentle-

May 7, 1979

those that resulted from actions taken
after the United States had secured the
islands-—was paid out to those Micronesians who were owed damages.
Still remaining to be paid, however,

are title I claims and this measure pro-

vides that 50 percent of these claims,
as determined by the Claims Commission established by the U.S. Congress in
1971, shall be authorized for -hose people
owed this money for the last 25 years.

Additionally, the bill establishes a

comprehensive medical prograin for the
people of the atolls of Bikini, Enewetak,
Rongelav, and Utirix of the Northern
Marshalls. All of these people were victims of U.S. nuelear testing inthe Pacific
in the 1940’s and 195C’s. Anc since it is
not known to what extent their health
has been impaired, they must be continually monitored and eared for by medical authorities, and this is provided in

H.R. 3756.
Because of our special moral responsibility to these people it 1s intended that

this provision be construed in that manmer to provide the utmost protection to
these people—and that.this provision remain valid and subsisting even after the
termination of the trusieeship,
For the Northern Mariana Islands, we
have authorized funds for a hospital and

health eare system. Their current hos-

pital facility consists of 2 number of pre-

fabricated units haphazardly connected

and woefwily inadequate to meet thei
health care needs both at present and in
the future. Studies done for the North-

ern Mariana Islands have concluded
there is no alternative to this course of


For the Wortnern Marianas, Guam,
and the Virgin Islands, the biil directs

the Secretary of the Treasury to assume
responsibility for administration and en-

forcement of the collection of. Federal

income taxes—including any surtax
thereon—in these areas. In no way is it

intended that there be any kind of retro-

active responsibility on the part of the
Treasury Department prior to the effec-

tive dates in this legislation. What we are

seeking with this language, beginning
with the dates in the bil}, is a highly effective and effcient operation that will
probably resuit in increased revenues for

the treasuries of the thrre governments ©

man from California?
of these insuiar area
fudies done from
There was no objection.
time to time have shown that there have
Mr. PHILLIP BURTON. Mr. Sreaker,
been lost revenues through ineficient
I yicld myself such time as I may concollection aud enfarcernent and theresume,
fore our ill hopes to remedy this.
Mr. Epeaker, today we have before
For the Northern Marlanas, we auus the annual authorization for the inthorize the delay of the implementation
sular areas. These are American Samoa,
Cate for the collection of Federal taxes.
Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands,
The government of the Northern Marithe Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands,
anas js a new one and jll-equipped to
and the Virgin Islands.
efficiently administer Federal tax laws.
Since the current authorization for the
In seeking this delay, we wish to make
trust territory expires at the cndof fiseal ‘clear that a local tax law will still be in
1980, the bill extends the authorization operation during this time period and
to make certain that there is no zap bethat a Celay in no way represents a tax
itween the time that the authorization
loss to the U.S. Treasury since federd
expires and the time that the trusteeship
taxes would be covered directly into the
is terminated. Also, in connection with
Commonwealth treasury. Should anyone
the end of the trusteeship, there is one think this is an opportunity for them to
outstanding matter that we stil need to seck tax havens in the Northern Muariresolye.
anas. the Secretary of the Treasury. is
directed and the Northern Mariana
Part of our responsibility was met last
Islands government is urged to tuke any
year when the rest of title IT claims—

Select target paragraph3