visions in the bill: namely, sections 203,

204, and 205, Which recognize these matters And suggest that

they receive prop-

er autention,

Mr. Speaker, I believe this is a zooa
biil, and I urge its adeption by the

Mr. Speaker, I yield 5 minutes to the

gentlemen from California (Mr. LacoMARSINO).
(Mr. LAGOMABRSINO asked and was
given permission to revise and extend
his remarks.)
Mr. LAGOMARSINO. Mr. Speaker, I
would just like to take a few moments
to speak in support of H.R. 3757, the
omribus parks bill, especially my legislation to establish a national park on the
Channel Islands in California, title II of
the bill.
I would first like to commend my colleagues on the National Parks Subcommittee, particularly our distinzuished
subcommittee chairman, Prun Burton,
and my colleagues Don CLauses and
Kerr Srserius, for their excellent ef-

forts represented in H.R. 3757, the omni-

bu; parks bul. This leetslatlon encompesses a collection of technical imorevements in park policy and corrects technical errors in previous parks lecistation. I
am especially pleased with the provision
in tiie 1, section 1, paragraph II,
amending the date for improved proverty
in the Santa Monica Mountains National
Recreation Area, allowing additional
landowners to qualify for a fixed life
term of continued use and occupancy.

sional camimilttes review, periodically
over the next 10 years. Perhaps most important, it recognizcs the unique fragility
and sensitivity of the island's resources

by scecifying that the new park ba admunistered on 2 low-intensity tasis, so

thet visiter use wHl be limited to capacities which co not enfarngcer the exceptional resources found here. The

changes in the bill made in the subcom-

mittee are food ones, reflecting the concerns of all intcrested parties.
Mr. Sneaker, I would lixe to urge today
that my coUleaeues support FLT. 3757, the
omnibns parks bill, improving our National Park System, and that thay vote to
establish the Channel Islands National
Park to be preserved in perpetuity for the
benefit of generations to come.
Mr. PHILLIP BURTON. Mr. Speaker,
Will the gentleman yield?
Mr. LAGOMAPSINO. I yield to the
gentleman from Californias.
Mr. PHILLIP BURTON. Mr. Sneaker,
I would like to join with my collearvue and
underscore our applause to Dr. Stantor
for his generous actions and vision about
preserving this great and universally approved resource. Dr. Stanton at considerable persennl income sacrifice cooperate
with the Nature Conservatancy and because of Kis actions the Channel Jsae

lands, and this most important unit,



HE 2752

May 7, 1979

Munria). The questicn is on the motion

offered by the gentlemen from California (Mir. Furiir Bueron) that the
Flouse suspend the rules and pass tne
bill H.R. 3757, as amenced.
The question was taken; and (tweothirds having voted
in favor therecf) the
rules were suspended and the bill, as
amended, was passed.
The title was amended so as to read:
“A bill to amend the National Parks and
Recreation Act of i973, to establish the
Channel Islancs National Park, and for
other purposes,”,
A motion to reconsider wes Isid on the

Mr. PHILLIP BURTON. Mr. Speaker, I
move to suspend the rules and pass the
BiH CHIT. 2759) to authorize appropria-

tions for certain insular areas of the

United States, amd for other purposes, a5

The Clerk read as follows:
F.Lm. 3753

Be tt enacted by the Senate and House af

Representaiives: of the United
America in Congress: assen: bled,




going to be preserved for posterity.
E think this is in the best tradition of
those old families that own some of our
Szc. 101. Section 2.of the Act of June 80,
Nation’s most unique resources. I want
1954 (68 Stat. 030) is arnended by inserting
the record to reflect my own approbation after “for fiscal year 1980, $112,000,000-7” the
“for fiscal years after fiscal year
As already mentioned, the Channel and applause of Dr. Stanton’s activities. 1980, such sims as may be necessary... —
Islands National Park legislation is inSrc. 102. There is hereby authorized to be
cluded in this bill. The Channel Islands, thank the gentieman.
Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the appropriated to the Secretarg of the Interlor
which lie at a distance of 11 to 60 miles
an amount equal to 50 per centum of such
of the coast of Santa Barbara and Ven- gentieman from Virginia CMir. Woiite- “gums a3 may ba necessary to satisfy all adjJudicated claims and final awards made betura Counties in my district, offer a re- HURST).
Mr.. WEEITEIZLORST. Mr. Speaker, as fore the date of the enactment of this Act
markably pure addition to our National
ark System. Long isolated from the the sponsor of H.R. 1307, the bill to es- by the Micronesian Claims Comnussion under
titte I of the Micronesian ClaimsAct of 1971
mainland, the islands have become the tablish the North Country Scenic Trail,
{85 Stat. 96; 50 U.S.C. App. 2018 et seq.), to
home for rare and endancered species in- I am pleased to rise in support of H.R. be used by the Secretary for the payment of
chicing the endangered brown pelican 3757, which contains the provision for sucb awards.
this trail, and I would like to take this —
and endangered Guadalupe fur seal.
Sec, 103. The Act entitled “An Act to auThey provide shelter for endemic species opportunity to commend Chairman Bur- thorize certain appropriations for the terriand a haven for exotic birds and ani- TON and the meinbers of the subconimit- tories of the UnitedStates, to amend certain mals, Their shores are the chosen breed- tee and the fw! committee on their Acts relating thereto, and for olher purposes”
rat. 1159; Public Law 95-134)
ing grounds for 2 variety of marine mam- expeditious handling of this important
mals and contain sheltered tide pools legislation. I urge favorable ecnsideration ainended—
rep(1) in subsection 164(2), by striking out
abundant with abalone and other maresents another step forward for our ne- paragraph (4) nnd redesignating paragraph
rine life,
as paragraph (4); and
Culturally, the islands have a rich
Mr. PHILLIP BURTON. Mr. Speaker,
(2) by Inserting after section 105, the
hast: Juan Cabrillo, founder of Califorwill the gentleman yield?
foillawing mew section:
nia, is believed to be buried here. The
Mr. LAGODZIARSINO. I yield to the
“Src. 106. In addition to any other payisiands atso contain significant relics
ments or benefits previded by law to comfrom the time they were inhabited by gentleman frorn California,
Mr. PHOULLIP BURTON. Mr. Speaker, pensate Inhabttants of tie atolls cf Birint,
the seafaring Chumash Indians.
as the gentleman is nware, this iten. was Enewetak, Rongelap, and Utirik, in the MarBecause of the stewardship of conshall Istands, for radiation exposure cr
in the omnibus bill last year. It got last
other losses sustained by them us a resuit
cerned landowners, the islands have susin the last minute shuftle. It was the in- of the United States nucicar weapons testtained a delicate ecologiczl. balance, In
troduction of the gentleman’s bill to this ing prozram at or near their atolis during
a way, they provide us with a pretty”
food scenario of what the mainland em- Congress that prompted our memories the period 1916 to 1923, the Secretary of
and produced this item in the Jesislathe Interior shail provide for the people
bouied thousands of years ago.
of the Atolts of Bikint, Fnewetsk, Rongelap,
My bill established the Channel Islands
I commend the gentlemen for his and Utirlk and for thelr descenuants a proNational Park on Santa Barbara and leadership in this respact.
gtram of medicul care and treatment and
envircumental research and monitoer’ng for
Anacapa Islands, which presently consti[() 1360
any infurr, ness, or condition which may
tute the Channel Islands National Monuhave been the result of such nuclear weapons
Mr. Spenker, I have no further rement, San Migucl, Santa Rosa, and
testing program. Such program shall include
Santa Cruz Istands. Among other things, quests for time.
but shall nct be Nmited to-the legisiation provides traditional aecMr. SEDELIDS, Mr. Speaker, I have
(1) an Integrated. comnrehenstvs heaith
quisition authority with some qualifica- no further requests for time, and I yield
care program including primary, secondary,
tions, and calls for a natural resources back the balance of my time.
and tertiary care with special emphasis upon .
Study report to be submitted for congresThe SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. the blological efccts of lonizing radiation;

Select target paragraph3