and the United States income tux the proceeds of which are covercd
ento the treasury of the Virgin Lslunds under this section, without cost
to the government of the Virgin Lslunds. Such administration and enforcement shall begin on January 1, 1980.
(2) Lhe Seeretury of the L'reasury shall, upon the request of the

Governorof the Virgin Islands, administer and enforce the collection

of any tax the proceeds of which ure covered into the treasury of the
Virgin Islands under this section (other than customs duties and
the United States income tax which paragraph (1) applies), without
cost to the government of the Virgin Islands. The administration
and enforeement of any such tax shall continue until such time as the
Governor of the Virgin Istunds, acting pursuant to legislation enacted by the legislature of the Virgin Islunds, requests the Secretary
to discontinue the administration and enforcement of such tax.
(3) The Secretary of the Treasury shall take auch steps as are necessary to ensure thué the proceeds of the Untied States income tax in
force in the Virgin Islands ure covered into the treasury of the Virgin
Lelands forthwith,
(4) Phe Secretary of the Treasury shall hire and train residents of
the Virgin Islunds to carry out the administration and enforcement
duties required of himunder puregraphs (1) and (8).








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§ 31. (Lease, sale,and control of public property]
(a) The Secretary of the Interior shall be authorized to lease orto
sell upon such terms as he may deem advantageous to the Governinent
of the United States any property of the United States under his
administrative supervision in the Virgin Islands not needed for public
(b) (7) The government of the Virgin Islands shall continue tohave
control over all public property that is underits control on the datc
of approval of this Act.—July 22, 195-4, ch. 558, § 31, 68 stat. 510.
(2) Subject to valid existing rights, title to all property in the Virgin
Islands which may have been acquired by the United States from Denmark under the Convention entered into August 16, 1916, not reserved
or retained by the United States in accordance with the provisions of
Public Law 93-435 (88 Stat. 1210) and Parcels 2 and 22 (Estate Upper
Bethlehem, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands) and Parcels 2A and 23
(F’redensborg and Upper Bethlehem, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands)
and Parcel 24 (Estate Body Slob and Upper Bethlehem, St. Croix,
US. Virgin Islands) are hereby transferred to the Virgin Islands

Select target paragraph3