
section (a) of this section, may, regardless of the amount of claim, be
maintained against the govermnent of Guam subject to the saine
statutory requirements as are applicable to suits for the recovery of
such amounts maintained against the United States in the United
States district courts with respect to the United States income tax.




Tue Acr or Novesper +, 1963




(77 Srar. 302)

Src. 38. The Secretary of the Treasury shall withhold from sums
collected pursuant to section 30 of the Organic Act of Guam (48
U.s.C. 1421h), before such suns are transferred to the Government
of Guam, such amounts as the Seeretary of the Interior estimates will
reiunburse the United States [, with interest as set forth below,] over
a period of thirty years beginning June 30, 1968, for
(2) 100 per centumof sci moneys as are paid undersection 2
hereof for water projects, power projects, or telephone projects;
(b) 100 per centum of such moneys as are paid wider section 2
hereof for use by the Government of Guam to permit Guamto
qualify for participation in Federal programs; and
(c) 50 per centum of all other moneys us are paid under section
2 hereof.
Fhe foregoing amounts, until reimbursed to the United States,
shall benr interest beginning July 1, 1968, at a vate determined
by the Secretary of the Treasury, which rate shall be determined by
the Secretary of the Treasury, taking into consideration the average
yield on outstanding marketable obligations of the United States of
comparable maturities as of the last day of the month preceding the
advance, adjusted to the nearest one-eighth of 1 per centum. All suins

so withheld shall be deposited in the Treasury of the United States

as miscellaneous receipts.]
All amounts heretofore withheld from sums collected pursuané to
section 30 of the said Organic Act us interest on the anounts meade
available to the government of Guam pursuant to this Let shall be
ereditcd as reimbursement payments by Guam onthe principal amount
advanced by the United States under this Act.







“Aw Acr To Autruonizn THe GoveERNMENT or tHe Vincrn Istanps To
Issuz Bonns (90 Srar. 1193)
sxc. 2. (a) When authorized under subsection (b) of the first section
of this Act, the government of the Virgin Islands may apply to the
Secretary of the Interior (hereinafter referred to as the “Seeretary”)
for a guarantee of any issue of bonds or other obligations authorized
to be issned under subsection (a) of the first section of this Act. Any
such application shall contain such information as the Secretary may
(b) TheSecretary is authorized, with the approval of the Seeretary
of the Treasury, fo guarantee and to enter into commitments to euarantee, upon such terns and conditions as he muy preseribe, payment
of principal and interest on bonds and other obligations issued by

Select target paragraph3