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be levied by the Congress on the inhabitants of Guam, andall quarantine, passport, immugration, and naturalization fees collected in Guam
shall be covered into the treasury of Guam and held in account for
the government of Guam in accordance with the annual budgcts except
that nothing in this Act shall be construed to apply to any tax imposed by chapter 2 or 21 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.
(4) (1) The Secretary of the Treasury shall udminister and enforce
the collection of all customs duties derived from Guam and the Guam
territorial income tax, without cost to the government of Guam, Such
administration and enforcement shall begin. on Junuary 1, 1980.
(2) Lhe Secretary of the Treasury shall, uponthe request of the
Governor of Guam, administer and enforce the collection of any tax
the proceeds of which ure covered into the treasury of Guam under
this section (other than customs duties and the Guam territorial income tax to which paragraph (1) applies), and any tux imposed by
local law, without cost to the gorernment of Guam. The ud minixtration and enforcement of any such tan shall continue until such time
as the Governor of Guam, acting pursuant to legislation enacted by
the legislature of Guam, requests the Secretary to discontinue the
administration and enforcement of such tas.
(3) The Seerctary of the Treasury shell hire and train residents of
Guam to carry out the administration and enforcement duties required of him under paragraphs (1) and (2).
Suc. 31. (a) The income tax laws in force in the United States of
America and those which may hereafter be enacted shall be held to be
likewise in force in Guam: Provided, That notwithstanding any other
provision of law, the Legislature of Guain maylevy a separate tax
on all taxpayers In an amount not to exceed 10 percentum of their
anluzl income tax obligation to the Government of Guam.
(b) The income tax Jaws in force in Guam pursuant to subsection
(2) of this section shall be deemed to impose # separate Territorial incometax, payable to the government of Guam, whichtax is designated
the “Guam Territorial income tax”.
(c) [The] Fwveept us provided in section 30(b) of this Act, the administration and enforcement of the Guam Territorial income tax
shall be performed by or underthe supervision of the Governor. Any
function needful to the administration and enforcement of the income tax laws in force in Guam pursnant to subsection (a) of this
section shall be performed by any offtter or employee of the government of Guam duly authorized by the Gevernor (either directly, or
indirectly by one or more redelegations of authority) to perform such
(dl) (1) The income tax laws in force in Guam pursuant to subsection
(x) of thts section include but are not limited to the following provi-

sions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, where not manifestly mapplicable or incompatible with the intent of this section: Subtitle
A (not including chapter 2 and section 931); chapters 24 and 25
of subtitle C, with reference to the collection of income tax at source

on wages; and all previsions of subtitle If which apply to the meome
tax, Including provisions as to crimes, olher offenses and forfeitures
contained in chapter 75. For the period after 1950 and prior to the
effective date of the repeal of any provision of the Internal Revenue
Code of 1939 which corresponds to one or more of those provisions of
the Internal Revenue Code of 195£ which are included im the income

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