tax Jaws in force in Guam pursuant to subsection (a) of this section,

such income tax laws include but are not limited to such provisions of

enue’, “District Court of Guam” for “district court” and with other

changes in nomenclature and other language, including the omission
of inapplicable language, where necessary to effect the intent of this

(f) Anyact or failure to act with respect to the GuamTerritorial
income tax which constitutes 2 criminal offense under chapter 75 of
subtitle F of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, or the corresponding provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1939, as included in
the income tax laws in force in Guam pursuant to subsection (a) of
this section, shall be an offense against the government of Guam and
may be prosecuted in the name of the government of Guam by the
appropritte officers thereof.
(¢) The government of Guamshall have a lien with respect to the
Guam Territorial income tax in the same manner and with the same

“rst *
in peo aae

Cte tt
Piha Min aK

the text of the income tux Inws in force in Guampursuant to subsec-

tion (2) of this section*
(ce) Ln applying as the Guam Territorial income tax the income
tax laws in force in Guam pursuant to subsection (a) of this section,
except Where if is manifestly otherwise required, the applicable provisions of the Internal Revenne Codes of 1954 and 1939, shall be read
sous to substitute “Gnanv’ for “United States’, “Governoror his delegate” rou “Seerelary or lus delegate’, “Governor or his delegate” for
“Comnusstoner of Lnternal Revenue” and “Collector of Internal ‘Rev-

th le ey

Cocde of 1954 for enforcement of the Guam Territorial income tax

shall be prescribed by the Governor. The Governoror his delegate
shall have authority to issue, from time to time, in whole or in part,


the Internal Revenue Code of 1039.
(2) [Phe} Lacepé as provided in section 30(b) of this Act, the
Governor or his delegate shall have the same adimunistrative and enforcement powers and remedies with regard to the Guam Territorial
Income tax as the Secretary of the Treasury, and other United States
ofticials of the executive branch, have with respect to the United States
income tax, Needful rules and regulations not inconsistent with the
regulations prescribed under section 7654(e) of the Internal Revenue

effect, and subject to the same conditions, as the United States has a

lien with respect to the United Stites income tax. Such Hen in respect
of the Guam ‘Ferritortal income tax shall be enforceable in the name
of and by the government of Guam. Where filing of a notice of Hen
is prescribed by the income tax laws in foree in Guam pursuant to
subsection (a) of this seetion, such notice shall be filed in the Office
of the Clerk of the District Court of Guam.
(1) (1) Notwithstanding any provision of section 22 of this Act
or any other provision of law to the contrary, the District Court of
Guam shall have exclusive original jurisdiction over all judicial proceedings in Guam, both criminal and civil, reeardiess of the degree
of the offense or of the amount involyed, with respect to the Guam
Territorial income tax,

(2) Suits for the recovery of any Guam Territorial income tax


allesed to have been erroneously or ilewally assessed or collected, or
of any penalty claimed to have been collected without authority, or
of any sum alleeed to hive been excessive or in any nuunner wrongfully
collected, under the income tax hows in force in Guam, pursuant to sub-

Select target paragraph3