
One must also consider the genetic risk.

The same

BSEIR Report estimated that the total incidence of all identified
serious genetic diseases due to 5 rem per 30 year reproductive
generation to the U.S. population would be between 1,100 and
27,000 per year at equilibrium.

In addition, there would be an

inorease of becveen 0.5% and 5% in the ill health of the

Since my Bikini exposure assumption is equivalent

approximately to 5 rem/generation to 1,000 people, the BEIR
Report genetic effect estimate must be multiplied by



Thus, one coulé expect between 0.005 and 0.14 serious genetic

eiftects per vear, or up to 1 serious genetic effect every 7

Again, ior reasons noted in the report by Tamplin and me

che upper limiz estimate should be used.
In summary, based on the assumptions I have made,
the combined risx would be 1 cancer every 10 years and one
genetic effect every 7 years plus a 0.5% to 5% increase in
overall i11 heaita.
Tais rather simple illustrative calculation does
not include wnat is undoubtedly a minor correction to account
for differences in the age distribution of seople of Bikini and
the U.S.





not included is the

risk associates with internally deposited radioactivity.
Derending on the case involveé it may be appropriate
to roughl:' dousle the risk

estimated above to include the internal

vadiation extisire resulting from the fooc chain.

One can make

ns for diiferent assumptions about tne dose
rate and <=nea number of people involved.
presented with tn1s

type of

The people of Bikini

estimate could decide whether it is

Select target paragraph3