

I have read and I am familiar with:


“Preliminary Report;

Radiological Evaluation

of Phase II Housing Construction Bikini Atoll," August 6, 1975.

“Preliminary External-Dose Estimates for Future

Bixini Atoll Innabitants," by Paul H. Gudiksen and William L.
Robison, August 6, 1975.


My comments below, based on my personal knowledge, relate to the
radiologicai evaluation of the Bikini Atoll as set forth in these:
two reports (hereafter referred to as references (a)

and (b)).

Attached as Exhibit C is a copy of Table 3-1

taken from the National Academy of Sciences' BEIR Report (also
attached as part of Exhibit C is a copy of the title page of
the report).

In order to make a similar evaluation for Bikini

Atoll one must correct for differences in populationand rate of

For example, assume there will be roughly 1,000

people on the atoll (784 persons claim land rights on Bikini
Atoll according to p.6 of reference (b))after the complete

and assume they are exposed at 0.2 rem/year

Cases 2-4 in Table 4 of reference (a)).
the internal dose estimate.


This does not include

The correction needed to normalize

che data in Table 3-1 of the BSEIR Report to the Bikini exposure
under these exposure assumptions would be


2,000 ,000





Tn other words, divide the entries in Table 3-1 by 100,000.
cr reasons


are discussed in Exhibit B,

(fu Snoulad use ine upper limic estimate in Table 3-if(i.e.,
relative risx mscdel - cases


could exsecxr about 9,978/100,900


Under tnrese assumptions you
- 0.09

cancers per year,

years aS a result of this exposure.


I belie.

or one

Select target paragraph3