
an acceptable level of risk.

My own opinion is that it is *90

high, but its not my homeland.
ERDA or other U.S. government scientists should be
required to estimate the number. of cancers and genetic effects

rather than simply comparing the doses to the current radiation
protection standards (which in my opinion are inadequate).

Based on the material I have seen it appears

that ERDA's preliminary radiation evaluation is based heavily
on a gamma ray survey on a 30 m and 120 m rectangular grid for

B3ikini and Eneu islands, respectively.

In my opinion these

surveys are too course to identify possible hot spots of r2dioactivity which could carry a greater risk than the evaluation would

Furthermore, there iS no evidence that the government

nas conducted a comprehensive survery of alpha-emitters, cx
searched for high specific activity debris.

This should be

done and snould have been part of the preliminary evaluation.

Wn, WC

Thomas B.

Subseribed and sworn to before me

this ~ =“ day of October, 1975.

tye ee WK ee


Netare Distte, Rerict of ere

My Commission expires:
My Comm. a locres Apa. it, .7ry



Select target paragraph3