Figure 2-18.

Trailer Mounted Drills

», *

Figure 2-19. Batch Plant - Nan
Main batch plant locations were determined

by the quantity of concrete required at each
site. Main plants were set up on sites Elmer,
Fred, Yvonne, Ursula, Gene, Janet, Nan, Tare,
and Fox. Small concrete requirements were met
by precasting where practicable or through the
use of small mixers. The time-consuming operation of hand-loading cement into the main
batch plant hopper was eliminated by using a
conveyor belt that dropped the racks of cement
on a short roller above the mixing box. A sharp
knife projecting above the rollers, automatically
ripped open the sacks and the cement then
passed through a large mesh screen into the
hopper, after which the sacks were retrieved.

Figure 2-21.

Grading and Rolling - Airfield

This reduced the number of personnel that
operated the cement batcher from six to three

and also eliminated the need of a special platform for the men and cement.

Unusual care was necessary in pouring con-

crete for those structures designed with great
amounts of reinforcing steel. Physical characteristics of the concrete used and the inspection of
construction have been discussed under Tests
and Inspection, Section 1, of this Chapter. The
concrete poured monthly in Eniwetok and Bikini Atolls is shown in Figure 2-25. Approximately 205,000 bags of cement and 2,700 tons
of reinforcing steel of various sizes were required for Operation REDWING.
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Select target paragraph3