Mobilization of manpower was effected to
provide a build-up of personnel in phase with
the planned availability of working drawings

and materials and within budgetary requirements. Personnel requirements had to be periodically re-evaluated to keep abreast of the
changing program. In January 1956, it was
apparent that because of the late receipt of
working drawings, it would be necessary to accelerate scientific station construction beyond
that originally planned. Emergency increases in
personnel were effected. However, because of
the long period required for recruiting, the relatively short period of probable employment
of new employees, and a tight labor market, it
was impracticable to hire all the additional men
required to effect this acceleration.

The authorized work week was 54 hours.
Any requirements for work in excess of 54 hours
were carefully scrutinized by management and

had to be justified before approval was granted.
Prior approval of overtime in excess of 8 hours
per week was obtained from the Manager, Eniwetok Branch Office and all cases of overtime
were documented. The need for acceleration in







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was required at intermittent intervals in unloading ships, for marine, camp, and warehouse

operations, and administrative services. The en-

tire overtime pay in excess of 54 hours during
the period of 1 July 1955 through April 1956,
a period covering most of the construction phase,
average six per cent of the total payroll. Maxi-

mum use of overtime was required during the
critical month of April 1956. Overtime pay

during this month rose to 17 per cent of the
gross pay for the month. In view of the conditions that existed with respect to the tight

construction schedule, this overtime was not


In a project of such complexity and magnitude as Operation REDWING, all eventualities could not possibly be anticipated and
rapid scientific advancement during the planning period required a constant modification
of plans. With the cooperation of the represen-

tatives of AEC and the various other agencies

involved, the project was carried through to the
successful tests of 1956.



Figure 2-22
Page 2-20

construction also affected personnel engaged in

services collateral to construction, and overtime

Clearing for Airstrip - Nan

Select target paragraph3