Figure 1-10.

Deep Water Pier Under Construction - Elmer

account living conditions, the need for adequate

medical and dental services, recreation facilities,

insect and rodent control and other sanitary
measures, and industrial ad radiological safety.

Clarification of the administration of criminal jurisdiction at the Proving Ground waseffected through discussions held by representatives of the Contractor and the AEC with Federal and Trust Territory Authorities. Procedures
have been established to cover arrest, hearings,

bail and confinement. Certain Contractor per-

ing and equipment, monitoring, and repair and
calibration of instruments. The AEC Radiologi-

cal Safety Officer retained policy direction for
the Rad-Safe program. To provide qualified
personnel to staff the Rad-Safe unit, a course
of study and indoctrination was undertaken.

The head of the Contractor’s unit was sent to
Fort McClellan, Alabama, and to Los Alamos,
New Mexico, for a three weeks training course.
Other personnel were trained on the job. This
staff then conducted courses in monitoring, ac-

Trust Territories, police powers needed in con-

credited 42 monitors for the REDWING Operation, and undertook the safety education of all
supervisory personnel. With the arrival of TU-7

Experience during previous operations indi-

tractors unit was integrated on 15 April 1956

Contractor over their employees in the matter

The participation by Contractor personnel in

sonnel were granted, as Deputy Sheriffs of the

nection with this administration.

cated the need for more direct control by the
of radiation exposure. As an outcome of this,

the AEC assigned to Holmes & Narverthe responsibility for the AEC-Contractor radiological
safety at the Proving Ground. This was first
assumed on 15 October 1955. The functions
assigned the Contractor were photodosimetry,

issuance and accountability of protective cloth-

of TG 7.1 at the Proving Ground, the Con-

into this organization for operational purposes.






operational phase of REDWING materially increased the effectiveness of the Contractor’s
safety program. The use of Contractor person-

nel provided more direct control in the matter
of radiation exposure than was possible during
previous operations.
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Select target paragraph3