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Figure 1-9.


Unloading LST During Beachhead Phase - Nan

jects required minor construction on the island
of Kusaie and the atolls of Rongerik, Utirik,

Ujelang, and Wotho. The problems encountered
with this off-atoll construction were primarily
logistical because of the distances of the sites
from the base of operations and the difficulty
of landing materials and equipment at construction sites.
Reconnaissance of each site determined the

craft most suitable for each mission. Thus it

was established that the Kapingamarangi, Utir-

ik, and Wotho projects could best be served by
an LSD carrying LCUs-(one outfitted as a
houseboat) and that all other sites could be
served by an LST. However, extreme caution
had to be exercised by the masters of the LST’s
in beaching because of existing conditions.
Schedules for the supporting vessels were first
established for weather station projects. With
the firming of scientific project requirements,
Page 1-20


schedule rearrangements were effected so that
work remaining on weather stations could
be undertaken at the same time as that
of scientific projects.




culties were experienced due to the rigidity
of the schedules established. These difficulties
were satisfactorily resolved by coordinating the
departure of each mission with the arrival of
project operating personnel and User-furnished
equipment at the Proving Ground. Mail and
emergency needs for each mission were provided
by sea and land planes; land planes were used
only for Tarawa and Majuro missions, at which
sites suitable landing fields were available. The
completion of certain stations was required in

advance of the first test and work had to
be accomplished during the period in which
construction of the major stations at the
Proving Ground wasin full swing and, therefore,
when a minimum of men and equipment could
be spared.

Select target paragraph3