the expected short-term occupancy only. To support scientific groups in the Ursula Complex
who were required to work at odd hours, limited
camp facilities were established on a barge
(Station 12), which was towed to and moored
off this site. The Fox and Tare camps were
rolled-up prior to the Cherokee and Zunievents,
Prior to the Cherokee event, the possibility

of pressures damaging the remaining Bikini
Camps (Nan and Tare) was considered remote.

The windows and doors of buildings were left
open; the sides of all tents were rolled-up; and

furniture was moved to the center of tents. The

fuel tanks of the power plants were covered with

earth. The water towers and generator sheds
were guyed with steel cables, using heavy mo-


dictated by predicted effects from that particular test. For example, inundation at Nan was
considered quite probable because of the Zuni
event; as a protection against inundation, a
large area south of the airport was cleared and
surrounded by a berm about 4 feet high in
which vehicles, vans, and other equipment
could be placed. Critical facilities such as the
power plant and Station 70 were also surrounded with berms. Protecting Nan against inundation from Zuni was accomplished before the
Cherokee event inasmuch as radioactive contamination from Cherokee was possible, thus
eliminating the need for performing this work

in a contaminated area.

Planning for evacuation to sea from Bikini
Atoll and for operations from bases afloat in
case of unacceptable contamination at the camp
sites was initiated early in the program. To meet

bile equipment as anchors. Because of size, the
mess hall at Nan was shored both internally
and externally, and the side panels were removed. Mess hall supplies, utensils, and critical items of equipment were covered with tar-

worth and the USS Curtiss were outfitted with
additional communication equipment and com

off Nan with the exception of three LCMs, 11
DUKWsandthe fuel and decontamination bar-

Area. Funds were made available to the USNS
Ainsworth for providing mattress pads for use

The protective measures employed for each
detonation were similar to those accomplished

and troop space allocations were made aboard
the TG 7.3 vessels in order to accomodate Task
Group TG 7.5 personnel during the evacuation

paulins. Marine craft were anchored or buoyed
ges, which were evacuated to sea.

for the Cherokee event with modifications as


requirements for bases afloat the USNS Ains-

centers prior to their arrival in the Forward
in troop berthing spaces. The following cabin

of Bikini Atoll:













Badoeng Strait



The muster and final accounting of all

personnel scheduled to board the evacuation

ships were delegated to one Personnel Supervisor at Eniwetok and Bikini Atolls, respectively,

each acting underthetitle of TG 7.5 Evacuation
Officer. Personnel were arranged in Muster
Groups consisting of a Group Leader and a
unit of men from the same department who
were to board the ships simultaneously from
the same location.
Each group varied in size and contained
men with like working schedules who were
assigned a specific time for assembly at a des-

ignated area. Group Leaders reported to one
Muster Officer at each of the off-island sites;
at Elmer, one Muster Officer was appointed for

each department. When the Muster Officer was
satisfied with the accountability of the men
under his jurisdiction, he reported to the TG

7.3 Beachmaster stating that the group was
ready for embarkation. The Beachmaster controlled the dispatching of boats that ferried be-

tween ship and shore. Upon boarding the evacuation ships, each group was checked again. The
Muster Officer advised the Task Group Evacu-

ation Officer upon satisfactory accountability,

who in turn reported to the TG 7.3 Evacuation

Officer on board the vessel and to the JTF-7
Evacuation Officer.

The evacuation of personnel to sea during
Operation REDWINGoccurred at Bikini Atoll
only. The capability for emergency post-shot
evacuation was also maintained at Eniwetok
Atoll. The evacuation plan for Eniwetok Atoll
contemplated an accurate and detailed account of all personnel; airlifting employees to
Honolulu who had accumulated radiation exposures above 2500 mr; provisions for emergency
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