Measures taken for protecting personnel,
equipment, and property were governed by predictions of overpressures, thermal energy, radioactive contamination, and the extent of inundation as furnished by Task Group 7.1. Two

conditions of test readiness were applicable to

camps and related facilities. When damaging

pressures were probable, camps and facilities

were rolled-up, but when these conditions were
considered remote, they were left intact. In the

latter case, precautions were taken against blast,
fall-out, and inundation as deemed advisable for

each event. Test readiness measures relative to

scientific facilities varied according to User re-

quest and were governed by whether or not a
station participated in an event.

Camp roll-up was generally scheduled to
commence on D-5 day and be completed by
noon of D--1 day. Roll-up consisted of the removal of all equipment, materials, and supplies
considered worthy of saving for shipment to
Elmer from the Eniwetok Atoll camps and to
Nan for subsequent transshipment to Elmer
from the Bikini Atoll camps. Schedules of camp
services and population forecasts covering the

period of D-—5 through D—1 day facilitated

Figure 6-1.
Page 6-2

planning and execution of the tasks involved.
Roll-up was accomplished according to these
camp service schedules and in phase with personnel reductions at each site, with provisions
for serving food continually through an early
lunch period on D—1 day. Practically all of the

expendable structures were left standing at shotisland camps. This procedure was considered
more economical than dismantling the buildings,

transporting the salvable materials to a main
base, and processing them for future use.
For the first event (LaCrosse) this planning

contemplated only the roll-up of the Yvonne
camp and evacuating personnel to Elmer from
the northern camps in Eniwetok Atoll. The
Gene and Ursula camps were to be left in a
condition for rapid re-entry. As a result of the
widespread radioactive contamination of all islands north of Yvonne caused by the LaCrosse

event, the Gene and Ursula camps were unin-

habitable for 24-hour occupancy and were subsequently rolled-up. The Yvonne camp had been
rolled-up prior to the detonation, and since this
area was not contaminated, limited facilities
were re-established. Some blast damage occurred
in this area; however, repairs were effected for

Use of Sandbags For Blast Protection

Select target paragraph3