On 15 April 1956, the operational phase
of REDWING commenced when the Commander of JTF-7 assumed control of all operational
activities in the Forward Area. On 25 April 1956,

Support services rendered during REDWINGconsisted of supplying materials or labor

the initial event (LaCrosse), which was to be
executed two days in advance of the scheduled
target date of 1 May 1956. All scientific stations

work involved was of minor magnitude, but

a directive was issued covering preparations for

and facilities were readied by this new target
date; however, the test was not held until 5
May 1956 due to weather and other technical

considerations. The schedule of the 17 events
in the REDWING Operation is indicated in
Figure 1-4 Chapter I. The last detonation
occurred on 21 July 1956, and CJTF-7 relinquished operational control of the Forward
Area on 10 August 1956.

To ensure adequate support to the various
agencies involved in the test operations, the
Contractor was responsible for the performance
of the following tasks:

(1) complete the con-

struction of scientific structures and facilities
which were held in abeyance until the execution

of certain events; (2) provide support personnel, material, and equipment to assist in instrumentation and the recovery of scientific data;

(3) adjust camp facilities and services according
to the fluctuating population; (4) take measures
for minimizing the effects of blasts, thermal
energy, inundation, and radioactive contamination for the facilities, equipment, and supplies
under Contractor custody, and provide like

services for other participating agencies as approved by the AEC; (5) return surplus equipment,

construction and materials to


(6) evacuate personnel from designated sites
according to plan and at specified times,
and maintain an accurate
on a continuous basis; (7)

muster account
arrange for the

evacuation and protection of pets; (8) employ proper measures to safeguard classified
material from the evacuated sites; (9) ensure
a continuous unattended operation of designated
utilities for the various detonations; (10) arrange for rapid re-entry and re-establishment
of the vital services at each evacuated site
taking into consideration possible shot postponements and Rad-Safe requirements; (11)
maintain the capability for operation from bases
afloat, including the use of houseboats; (12)
and establish safety precautions for glare, fallout or shock waves and the alert signals used

for possible evacuation.

and equipment to perform whatever work was

required by test participants in preparing facilities for the various events. In general, the

because each detail of the complex test technique
was important, the men, equipment, fabrication,

and materials furnished were a high priority
concern of Management.

The services were

authorized by a work order directive from the
Manager, EBO, at the request of a participating
agency. These directives covered supplying construction equipment, skilled workers, shop re-

pair and fabrication, post-test recovery and
damage repair surveys, decontamination, button-

up services for stations not participating in a
scheduled event, and packing, crating, and ship-

ping. Support services pyramided considerably

in contrast to previous Operations due to the
increased scope of the over-all test program
and the services involved in ‘‘buttoning-up”
various stations for protection against fall-out,
blast, and inundation to ensure readiness for
succeeding events.
Approximately one month prior to the
initial event, a planning guide was issued which
covered the proposed condition of readiness for
each camp in successive events. This guide designated whether the camps wereto be rolled-up,
or left intact but evacuated, and also covered
the disposition of personnel and equipment. A

requirement of CJTF-7 from each Task Group
was the preparation and submission of a check
list covering duties to be performed for each
event during the period of D—5 through D+3.
These check lists covered major events and indicated when facilities could be secured and equipment moved, and which utilities were to be

serviced for operation during shot time. The
lists served as a guide to ensure that the activities of all participating units during that period
were compatible with available support and consistent with authorized Rad-Safe procedures.

From these lists, summaries were prepared of

special helicopter and boat missions, support
requirements, trailer and vehicle evacuation
schedules, and communication checks. The summaries facilitated the planning for and the exe-

cution of the duties assigned the Contractor for
placing all facilities in a state of readiness for
each detonation.
Page 6-1

Select target paragraph3