Throughout the early build-up stage, sufficient fire apparatus were made available from
surplus AEC equipment and through loan from
Military sources to provide a minimum of
equipment at each camp. Considerable maintenance was required to keep several pieces of
the equipment in operating condition. Ali the

equipment available at this time, with the ex-

ception of two units, were rear axle drive only,
and therefore, unsuitable for use in certain
areas. Furthermore, the equipment was designed

for use by a minimum crew of five, which was
more than could be justified for employment at
shot-island camps. As a result of these conditions, three new pieces of apparatus were procur-

ed, all having both front and rear drive. One of

the new units was a foam apparatus mounted

at the Jobsite on a Reo chassis, primarily for
use in the POL area. The other units were 500gallon capacity rigs mounted on four-wheel
chassis so equipped to supply high pressure
streams of water or fog. These two units were
each equipped at the Jobsite with two 50-pound

CO2 cylinders. Other equipment available was
as follows:

AEC apparatus:
2 Chevrolets with 500 GPM Center Mount


1 Ford with 500 GPM Center Mount Pump
1 Maxim with 750 GPM Center Mount Pump
1 Chevrolet with




1 International with high

Mount Pump

Front Mount



2 Macks with high pressure Center Mount


On loan from Military sources:
1 GMC with 500 GPM Front Mount Pump
1 La France with 750 GPM Center Mount
The Maxim, La France, International, and
a Chevrolet were retained at site Elmer where


the principal warehousing, shop, office and User
facilities of the permanent base were located.
The Chevrolet was used as an aircraft crash
fire truck, since it was equipped with wheel
drive, a large CO? supply, and foam. One each
of the remaining apparatus were stationed at
each temporary camp. At Fred and at the Nan
airstrip coverage was provided for all operations
by a military fire organization. Aircraft fire

crash jeeps andtrailers secured on a loan basis
from military sources were maintained and
operated at airstrips or helicopter pads at Yvonne, Tilda, Gene, Elmer, Fox and Tare.

Water supply for fire protection was obtained from the tower tank salt water system
with additional supply available by cutting in
stand-by pumps.
During peak activity there were eleven

trained firefighters under one Fire Chief, providing for at least two trained men at sites
Elmer and Nan, and one trained man at all

other sites. Sufficient volunteer firemen were
recruited from other departments to provide
Nan and Elmer with crews of seven men each
and all other sites with crews of three men.
All volunteers underwent four hours of drill
monthly. Guard personnel were also given basic
courses in fire protection and prevention, for
familiarization with types of lires and appropriate emergency action to be taken.
Through safety indoctrination discussions,


insertions in the daily


and personal contact by trained firemen,
all personnel were alerted to their individual responsibilities with respect to fire protection and prevention. Instructions were issued
in the three classes of fires and the proper extinguishing agents to be used for each class, the
action to be taken when a fire was discovered,
in good housekeeping as related to fire prevention, and principal fire hazards. Increased emphasis was placed on fire prevention. The
rather low total fire loss in view of the extremely
high valuation of the installations, equipment,
and materials, and the fact that the greatest

loss in any singe fire was less than $100.00, indicated






program was effective and that the fire fighting

organization and its methods were sound.

The Home Office Procurement Department
was responsible for all on-continent purchasing
and shipping. Purchasing, traffic, and expediting

activities of this Department continued on a
normal level from the end of CASTLE until
early 1955. With the receipt of authorization
to initiate procurement of materials for REDPage 3-25

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