Figure 2-54.


Stations 311.02, 310.03 and 312.03 Under ConstructionMan-MadeIsland No. 3

two 60-poundrails 4’ into the coral at each end
of the foundation wall.
Soil conditions were more favorable for
Station 311.03, Dog. The foundation scheme was

similar to the other stations but footings were
extended 2’ below natura] grade and no attempt

was made to connect to coral. These footings
had additional cover in that the final grade required several feet of fill on top of the natural
Stations 310.01, .02 and .03 were steel trussed with roof and siding of corrugated asbestos.
The ends of the buildings were left open. The
asbestos material was frangible and therefore
could be shattered, exposing the steel framework in case the roof and sides were subjected
to blast pressures; this factor became the basis
for the foundation design and influenced developing the strength of the exposed steel

Figure 2-55.

Stations 311.01 and 310.02 50%

Complete - Man-Made Island No. 2

Page 2-71

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