ire another
outside the
e citizens is
tizen while
after if he
TItOry resi-

granted to
age. To be
have been
> of whom
tained his
come citi‘ligible for

r naturali-

sidents of

luously in
st 5 years


immediately prior to application
citizenship. Naturalized citizens enjo
the same status as natural born
citizens. To date some 165 individual

have been granted Territory citizenship through naturalization.


The High Commissioner may grant
permanent residencestatus.
Citizens and resident noncitizens of
the Territory can acquire U.S. citi
zenship in the same manner as do
immigrants to the United States.


The same laws govern all resi
in the Territory whether
they are

munzens, resident noncitiz
ens, or visi-


e Third Regular Session of the
Congress of Microsia in Joint Session listens to
the High Commisners State of the Territory Mes

International Relations

The Trust Territory cooperates
with the United Nations and its specialized agencies as well as with other
international organizations. Official
relations with international organizations are conducted through the U.S.
Department of State. A list of international agreements applying to the
Territory in 1968 appears in Appendix
During the year under review, the
director of Land Management attended a 2-week International Seminar
on Land Taxation, Land Tenure, and
Land Reform in Developing Countries,
held in Taiwan and sponsored by the
Republic of China in conjunction with
the United Nations.
Recipients of U.N. fellowships
during the year were the mayor of
Koror, who studied public administra-

tion in the Philippines, New Zealand,
and Western Samoa; and a Mariana
Islands District administrative assistant, who studied public administration
in the Philippines. To date, 43 MicroFiscal Year 1968

nesians have received U.N. fellowships
for observation and training outside
the Territory.
The Territory is part of the Western
Pacific Region of the World Health

Organization (WHO). The Department

of Public Health uses standards of the
WHO in such areas as communicable
disease reporting and quarantine regulations. The WHO provides to the
Territory fellowship assistance, services of technical experts, and invitations to attend specialized training
courses and conferences.
Micronesians who traveled abroad
this year to study under WHO auspices
were: two sanitarians on 1-year fellowships for sanitation at the Fiji Medical
School; two dental officers, for dental
health, in Australia; the Yap district
director of public health, for public
health administration, in the Philippines; the Ponape district director of:
public health, for public health admin-

istration, in Hawaii; the Marianas
health educator, for health education,

in New Guinea; and the head nurse in
for post-graduate

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