birth or otherwise acquire another
nationality. A child born outside the
Territory of parents whoarecitizensis
considered a Territory citizen while
under age 21, and thereafter if he
becomes a permanent Territory resident while under 21.
Naturalization may be granted to
persons over 18 years of age. To be
naturalized a person must have been
born of parents at least one of whom
was a citizen of and maintained his
principal residence in the Territory.
Children of parents who becomecitizens in this mannerarealso eligible for
naturalization. Applicants for naturalization must be permanentresidents of
and legally domiciled continuously in
the Trust Territory for at least 5 years

immediately prior to application fc
citizenship. Naturalized citizens enjo
the same status as natural bor
citizens. To date some 165 individua.
have been granted Territory citizer
ship through naturalization.
The High Commissioner may gran
manent residencestatus.
Citizens and resident noncitizens o
the Territory can acquire U.S. citizen
ship in the same manner as do othe
immigrants to the United States.
The same laws govern all resident:
in the Territory whether they aré

citizens, resident noncitizens, or Visitors.

The Third Regular Session of the Congress of Micronesia in Joint Session listens to the High Commis-

sioner’s State of the Territory Message.


Part IJ—Introduction


Select target paragraph3