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ceived WHO fellowships for training
outside the Territory.
WHO visitors to the Territory this
year included a consultant anesthesiologist, who visited Saipan to discuss

training of Micronesian personnel in
anesthesia, and the WHO representative in Taiwan, who conferred with
Department of Public Health officials
on the WHO program for 1970. A
lecturer in social and preventive
medicine from the Fiji School of
Medicine discussed training for Territory students who plan to enter the
Fiji Medical School.
Regional Relations

The United States is a member of
the South Pacific Commission (SPC),
an advisory and consultative body set
up in 1947 by the governments then
responsible for the administration of
island territories in the South Pacific
region. Present members are Australia,

France, New Zealand, the United
Kingdom, the United States, and

Western Samoa. The SPC’s purposeis
to advise participating governments on
ways to improve the well-being of the
people of the Pacific island territories
in health, economics, and social
matters. Each year the Trust Territory
receives valuable assistance from the
SPC’s varied programs.
A Congress of Micronesia Representative from the Mariana Islands
District was the Trust Territory’s
delegate to the Seventh South Pacific
Conference in Noumea, New Caledonia, in October 1967. He also served
as an adviser to the U.S. delegation to
the SPC’s 30th Session which followed
the Conference.


Ark Plath rude 218

officer for social development, who

conferred with Administration officials on SPC programs for fiscal year
1969; an SPC agriculturist whovisited
the Mariana Islands and Ponape as a




pasture improvement, and atoll agricultural development; an oral English
specialist who visited all districts to
assist in training new Peace Corps
Volunteers, and a rat control expert.

Two SPC specialists came to Saipan to

assist in a 2-week sanitation training
course for 34 Trust Territory workers.
The Second Trust Territory Land
Management Conference, also held in
Saipan, had the assistance of a land
tenure consultant who reported on
land tenure in relation to economic
The SPC, in cooperation with the
U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization, sponsored a fisheries training
course in Palau which was attended by
students from several SPC countries.
participated in SPC-sponsored seminars and meetings outside the Terri-

tory. The director of dental services

attended a seminar on dental health in
New Guinea; representatives of the
Sanitation Division attended both a
housing sanitation seminar in Niue,
and a joint SPC/East-West Centersponsored Asian Pacific Interchange
on Rodent Control in Honolulu; and
three Micronesian women studied
home economics at the SPC Commvnity Education Center in Fiji. Agricultural officials attended technical
meetings on agricultural education in
Noumea, on coconut production in

Rangiroa, and on plant protection in

American Samoa. Two Micronesians
took a regional course in Cooperation
and Business Methodsin Fiji.
Part [J—Introduction



To date, 15 Micronesians have re-

SPC visitors to the Territory during
the year included the SPC executive


nursing work in public health, in New

Select target paragraph3