operational’requirements. It should be noted that the nearest
source of supply for parts ‘isHmcoN.
visited this command in Apil

A technical team from OQMG

1956 and noted the situation comment-

ing that the present rnterials handling equipment should be replaced by modern standardized equipment.
(6) Signal Supplies:
Signal Corps items of issue represented the nest
extensive number of line items within Stock Record Account Al 330
(a~roximately 18000). Most major items were requisitioned &
OJTF SEVEN based on requirements submitted ty the various task
groups. Issues of items received were ~de

expeditiously. kme

“loan tasis” items were included in this Techical Service than
all others combined.

Transportation Supply: Supplies for this service,

like Chemical, is limited in scope within the EYG.

Such items as

barges and low-bed trailers were received and issued without incident.

Personnel and ikiministration:

(1) Strength: Although the operational T/D auttiized
59 IiMand 3 officers for Depot supply the gradud

buildup fron the

interim T/D was exceedingly slow. As late as lbrch 1956, the Depot
Supply Office was under strength by 13 EM,

Coupled with no~l


gue and kitchen police details, the Depot Supply Office operated with
no nore than 2/3 of the perscmnel authorized ty the oper~tional T/D.
This hampered the efficiency of the depot and created bmklogs which
were overcome only by working after norml

duty hours.

Select target paragraph3