service shoes were furnished to TDY personnel and all task groups
were notified of their non-availability except for ~d~fe


Low quarter shoes were available at all times for resale to

all authorized personnel. Some service shoes were purchased by
CJTF SEVEN from Marine Sources to supplement Task Group 7.1’s RadSafe requirements. Additionally, based on authority received from
the Department,of the Army, approximately 400 pairs of comkat boots
(reversed uppers) were cut and sewn to provide a substitute in sizes
which were in short supply.
(e) Fbd-%fe

Clothing and Equipment: No problems

were encountered. Requirements submitted by the Task Groups were
sufficient for operational needs. All items arrived early and were
issued as requested by the task groups concerned.
(f) Laundry Supplies: Although the strength to be
supported showed an increase of 4.00per cent over the interim and
buildup periods, the requirements for laundry supplies showed an
increase of more than 600 per cent (e.g. S*ch

levels were ~=

creased from 1000 lbs for 180 days to 6,600 lbs for 180 days). The
increase was net by emergency requisitioning procedures.
(g) ~terials


Equipment: %tipment on hd

for Operation REDWING was obsolete and in poor mechanicxd condition..
Breakdown and constant headlining of forklifts resulted in an abnormal amount of emergency requisitions. The primry
istence of outdated mchinery

cause was the ex-

for which parts are no longer stocked

‘and experimental models for which parts were difficult to procure.
The equipment was barely sufficient for the buildup and subsequent


Select target paragraph3