(2) Table of Distribution: Experience hS


the operational and interim T/Dts should remain the sane since

the workload of the D~pot remains constant throughout an interixn,
buildup,operational,and roll up period due to the necessity for:
(a) Ricking,


disposition, re~rehous~g

and accounting during cdl periods.
(b) Requisitioning, receiving and accounting during a buildup period.
(c) Issuing, receiving, accounting Wd

ShSrP in-

crease in the furnishing of fatigue and kitchen police details during the operational period.
* f.

Return of Supplies and Equipment (Roll


(1) In order to provide for an orderly and timely return of supplies and equipment a roll up plan was published early
in the operational period and forwarded to all units concerned.
Depot implementation included the posting of disposition instructions for all loan basis itens to stock record cards which allowed
imediate release of the item upon receipt from the using unit. A
request for disposition of a list of anticipated excesses in all
Technical Services was forwarded to CJTF SEVEN which would allow
shipment of those items at the sane tine as loan hsis items being
returned. &rly

in the operational period the Depot received dis-

position instructions for serviceable and economically repairable
vehicles wherein it wad indicated that nest such vehicles would go
to the Mt Ranier


Depot with some vehicles going to Fueblo

Ordnance Depot. A request was mde

to the Chief of Ordnance


Select target paragraph3