
graphs, a Roll-up Plan for supplies and equipment hd


drafted~ approved by CJTF SEVEN and publishe&
k During September 1955, a list of FY 5’7construction projects, in addition to those contained in the kng Range Constiuc?
tion Program, was prepared and sutmitted to the Deputy Test Director SFOO, AEO.


Insaemuchas the additional construction was not

included in the AECIS proposed FY 57 budget, these additional construction projects were forwarded to Headquarters Joint Task Force

for review and preparation of funding arrangements. A reply

was received fron Headquarters Joint Task Force SEVEN during November advising of tentative approval of certain FY 5’7 tinstruction
projects and that further details would be available at the forthcoming joint construction conference to be held in the PPG in the

During &ch

1956, a conference was held with representa-

tives of TG 7.4, TG 7.2, AEC and H&N present to discuss the FY 57
and 58 construction progrm

General topics were the long range

plan and changes sub~tted ~

CTG 7.2 on the FY 57 construction pro-

gran and the FY 58 progr~

During May 1956, a conference was held

on FY 59 & 60 construction projects for ENIWETOK, PARRY and JAPTAN
Roll-up of supplies and equipment began during the latter
part of ~eration REBWING.

This activity was progressing smoothly

at the end of the operation with no major problems encountered.

Depot Supply:

Depot Supply Office, operating from









Select target paragraph3