
The S-4 exercised staff supervision for the planning and

co-ordination of activities pertaining to procurement, Supplys
hospitalization and evacuation, transportation, and services, including maintenance and repair of supplies and equipnent, and construction of facilities and installations.
With the conclusion of O-perationCASTLE the Logistics
Section was concerned primrily with the roll-up of supplies and
equipment which had accumulated during CASTLE. To this extent, all.
excess stocks were determined, and disposition instructions requested fron the Chiefs of Technical Services. hphasis was placed on
in-storage maintenance and renovation of equipment.
With the advent of the build-up phase, logistical planning
was pointed toward requisitioning supplies and equipment wk~ch would
be required for operation REDWING. A list of all major items of


equipment for Operation RELJWINGwas forwarded to JTF SEVEN during
February 1955.

This planning was co-ordinated with other task

groups, since this comnand was responsible for the supply of all
elements of Joint Task Force SEVEN for certain supplies and equipmentg
On 1 April 1956,

CTG 7.2 published Administrative Order

which tiplenented CJTF SEVEN Administrative Order 1-56. This

order outlined the logistical and administrative function of TG 7.2
during the build up, operation, and roll up of REDWING.
Concurrently with the planning discussed in the preceding













Select target paragraph3