



Separate each instrument from the other by soft packinz
miterial of one inch thickness. Place one inch of soft packins
material between external parts of instruments and sides of
container. Place two inches ef soft pacicing on bottom and top of
bax between instrument and bax sides, Size and destination of
containers are riven in Table I,

IV ~ Laboratory Instruments (AEC categories CG‘, CPC, LIC, ‘TC, etc.)
Treat all instrument of maximun sise and weight of ten inches
in any denension and fifteen pounds, respectively in the sane

manner as recazmended for Survey Meters (Group III),

All instruments with demensions creater than that stated in
the previous parasraph, should be limited to no more than 100
pounds of instruments packed per bax or one instrument per bax,
whichever is larger. Two inches of soft packing must be placed
around each inctrument thus separating it from other instruments
and container walls, Cover all glass meter faces with maximum
donensions less than 5 inches with correzjated cardboard protectors.
All larrer exposed glass surfaces are to be covered with 4" thick
wood boards to protect the slass from brealare. Correated
eardboard is to separate the wood fran the case surroundimys of the
gliss, Soft packing material is to be used between the protective
wood board and the packing case wall in the same manner as stated
for the rerainder of the instrument. If any batteries are included
in the instrument they are to be removed and packed separately in

the same carton.

Table I.

Size and destination of containers are siven in

V¥ - Accessories to laboratory; Equinnent.
This sroup of instruments includes lead shields, Recording
Lillixmeters, microscope, densitometers, dust collectors, chemical
balances. etc.
Most of this sroup need no shock absorbing packins. Ench unit
should be placed in a sepurate wooden bax or crate with unit mounted
in place and container marked with proper side ur.
The microscope and densitometers should be supplicd with the
proper racking boxes. The lead shields and Just colicctors will
require preparation of proper crates.

be rte.


Select target paragraph3