The Recording Milliammeters and Chemical Balances shall be
packed similar to that requested in the first paragraph in
Section If (Laboratory Instruments), ice and destination of
containers are siven in Table I,

VI ~ Test Equipment. (Primarily used in maintenance shops).
This sroup includes instruzents such as oscillascopes,

vacuum tube volt meters, standard volt-olm-amneters, etc.

Fack this sroup in that manner recasmended in croup IV

(laboratory Instruments),

returned to Qak Ridge.

All miterial in this croup is to be

VII - Maintainence Shop Tools and Mechanical equipmeat and miscellaneous

No shock mounting required. Pack in wooden containers for
ease of handling and pack as solidly as possible, Linit weight
of each puckage to no more than 100 pounds. Al material in this
group is to be returned to Oak Ridse.

VIII - Spare Battery Kits.
No shock mounting required.

Use containers already available

in the Instrument Laboratory on board the U.3.S. BAIROKO,

Mark each box with proper desismation such that batteries
can be located for proper instrunent, such as, "Batteries for
SGLL AS", Send all batteries to Los Alamos.
IX ~ Spare parts kits,
No shock mounting required in audition to that already
provided in presently available packing cases, All packing cases

required are in the Instrument Laboratory of the U.3.5. BAIRCKC.
Mark each container as requested in Section VIII (Spare Battery
Kits). Send all spare parts kits to Los Alamos.

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