


I - Garma Focket Dosimeters (AEC Catezory -PIC)
ALL parma pocket dosimeters are designed to be rather riugcea
instruments, Therefore, shock protection is required only asainst
external heavy blows and minor protection from accidental transportation droj's of the packape. Individual wrapping of each
dosimeter in paper to prevent scratching of surfaces and one to
two inches of soft picking between external dosimeters and the
walls of container is all thit is required. Sise and destimtion
of containers is given in Table I.


All Bechnan Dosimeters.


Cambridge Dosineters.





iirap senarately in two thickness of paper.
Packase all units in one box, with units in contact
except for separating paper, Place one inch of paper
or packing material between outside of dusimneter and
wall of container,
Separate sood units fram operational rejects in
manner used during operation. Treat each croup as
individual groups, that is, pack csood units in one
container and rejects in an other container,
Package each group as outlined for Beckman dosimeters.

Kelly Koett Dosimeters (all ranges).


Use same procedure as on Cambridre dosineters,

II - Charzers for dosimeters.
Treat all types of charsers for dosimeters alike. First remove
all batteries and pack batteries separately in container marked

"Batteries for Dosimeter Charsers - Beckman Manufacture" (Kelly Koett

or Canbridse as applicable), Separate each unit from the cther by
soft packinz material of one (1) inch thiclness. Place one inch of
soft packing material between external parts of instrucents and sides
of container. Place two inches of soft packiny; on bottom ard top of
bax between instrument and bax sides. Sise and destination of con-

tainers are given in Table I,

III ~ Survey Meters (AEC Caterories S@!, SIC and src).
Treat all tytes of Survey Meters in the same minner, First
remove all batteries and pack batteries in container marked,

"Batteries for Survey Meter - AUC Nusber (SQL4B)" corresponding:

to the related instrument. Tape corresated cardboand piece over
face of indicating meter case. Tape switches in normal "CFF!

Select target paragraph3